ifrost / afterwriting-labs

Post-processing for Fountain screenplays
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Vietnamese font not working. #162

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thank you for sharing this program. It's freaking awesome getting from Vim to a PDF without having to open a web browser!

I'm not sure if this is the right place for posting this but the font doesn't seem to render for Vietnamese. Here is some Vietnamese for you to try on your machine:

~> Đây quả là một ứng dụng tốt và rất hữu ích cho những người ăn nằm với công việc trong ngành sáng tạo.

Here are Vietnamese special char: 00 ~> a á à ả ã ạ
01 ~> ă ắ ằ ả ã ạ 02 ~> â ấ ầ ẩ ã ạ 03 ~> đ 04 ~> e é è ẻ ẽ ẹ 05 ~> ê ế ề ể ễ ệ 06 ~> i í ì ỉ ĩ ị 07 ~> o ó ò ỏ õ ọ 08 ~> ô ố ồ ổ ỗ ộ 09 ~> ơ ớ ờ ở ỡ ợ 10 ~> ư ứ ừ ử ữ ự 11 ~> y ý ỳ ỷ ỹ ỵ 12 ------------------------ 13 ~> A Á À Ả Ã Ạ 14 ~> Ă Ắ Ằ Ả Ã Ạ 15 ~> Â Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ã Ạ 16 ~> Đ 17 ~> E É È Ẻ Ẽ Ẹ 18 ~> Ê Ế Ề Ể Ễ Ệ 19 ~> I Í Ì Ỉ Ĩ Ị 20 ~> O Ó Ò Ỏ Õ Ọ 21 ~> Ô Ố Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ộ 22 ~> Ơ Ớ Ờ Ở Ỡ Ợ 23 ~> Ư Ứ Ừ Ử Ữ Ự 24 ~> Y Ý Ỳ Ỷ Ỹ Ỵ

My terminal doesn't seem to render Courier Prime very well either so my guess is it's the font.

I'm using another font from "big & popular" software brand and it seems to work fine.

Although it would be very nice if Courier Prime would work for Vietnamese though coz it's very pretty and open source which would fit the whole operation yknow....

Perhaps this post would help any Vietnamese writer with the same problem.

I hope I didn't miss any char from above.... =]]]]]]

ifrost commented 2 years ago

Thanks @TR-rgb! Indeed Courier Prime supports only limited number of characters. The only way is to add a new font that would have these characters. Do you know about any open source font with Vietnamese characters that would be good for screenplays? BTW. do you use afterwriting.com or run it locally?

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi ifrost. It's wonderful to hear from the person who made the tool.

I run afterwriting locally on Linux. The only time I go to the afterwriting.com was when I first found it. I use dwm as window manager. I do my best to focus and open ONLY vim and zathura when I write... but I'm a human so....

FreeMono is my solution for open source font for screenplay. It does render Vietnamese just fine. Asthetically, it's very similar to the "other" font. Compare to Courier Prime, both are harder to read. I think the height and weight is a bit off - maybe I'm being too picky. I think it comes as default when I installed Linux. Anyway, below is a link if you don't have it. https://www.fontspace.com/freemono-font-f13275

Do let me know if you want any more feedback. Thanks again for making & sharing this tool.