iftechfoundation / ifdb-suggestion-tracker

Bugs and feature requests for a future IFDB update
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All games should have a "Delete This Listing" link #386

Closed dfabulich closed 10 months ago

dfabulich commented 1 year ago

IFDB game listings can have a "Delete This Listing" link. It's visible on all games for moderators, but for non-moderators, it only shows up if you created the game listing.

And even then, the page often explains to the creator (in surprising detail) why, as the creator of the game listing, you can't delete the game.

These are the possible reasons why the creator can't delete a game:

Instead, the "Delete This Listing" link should appear for all users on all games, and it should ask the user why they want the game to be deleted. The end result should just send an email to the moderators.

dfabulich commented 1 year ago

Here's what I'm imagining the "Delete This Listing" page should look like for non-moderators.

Please provide a reason why the game listing for "$title" should be deleted. The IFDB moderation team will review your request.

  • [ ] The game listing is spam.
  • [ ] The game is not interactive fiction. (Please explain why below.)
  • [ ] The listing is blank, created as a test, or created by mistake.
  • [ ] The game listing is a duplicate of another listing.
  • [ ] The game listing violates the IFDB Code of Conduct.
  • [ ] The game listing violates the game creator's copyright. (Please note, IFDB doesn't store any games - just metadata about the games, such as bibliography and reviews.)
  • [ ] The game is no longer available to play. (Note that if there are reviews, ratings, or historical information on the game listing, we might not decide to delete it.)
  • [ ] There's another reason. I'll explain below.

Are you the author of the game?

  • [ ] I'm the author of this game.
    • [ ] I'm trying to remove my name from IFDB. (Note: You can anonymize the game, changing the author name to "Anonymous," instead of deleting the game listing.)
    • [ ] I don't want anyone to play the game any more.
    • [ ] I want to prevent others from commenting on the game.

Please provide additional detail: __

What do you think? Am I missing checkboxes? (Is this too many checkboxes? Should there be checkboxes at all?)