igalata / Bubble-Picker

An easy-to-use animation which can be used for content picking for Android
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How to Select and deselect any items pragmatically? #58

Open parmarravi opened 6 years ago

parmarravi commented 6 years ago

Hello, Thank you for library .Please add some features asap it would be awesome to include this feature in the production app. I have a Feature in which when i select the second item in the bubble view ,the focus of previous item should get deselected . so at a time only one item will get on. If the user presses the second item the focus will get shifted to the next item. Let me know how can i achieve this?

MilanVucic commented 6 years ago

@parmarravi Did you find a way to do this? I need this right now, I tried many things, but since there's only a getter for selectedItems, I tried clearing that list, setting each item's "isSelected" manually to false, but neither worked. @igalata Can you jump in and guide us on how we could do this?

trbasoglu commented 6 years ago

You can use below code. But it need to reload view. @parmarravi @MilanVucic @igalata I think set selected should work without using onPause and On Resume but not. ` public void onBubbleSelected(PickerItem pickerItem) {

MilanVucic commented 6 years ago

Did you test this? @trbasoglu I think I tried something similar to no avail. setSelected on items that I get from getSelectedItems didn't seem to change much. It would be really cool if this worked. I'll give it a go asap.

nurlan-dzhavadov commented 4 years ago

If you want to go from each bubble to another activity, this one might help https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58460281/link-a-bubble-in-bubble-picker-with-a-button