igarnier / prbnmcn-dagger

A library for probabilistic programming
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lmh_incremental documentation #7

Open nilsbecker opened 1 year ago

nilsbecker commented 1 year ago

the docs for Lmh_incremental read quite technical. i would say too technical for a newcomer.

it would be nice to state in a simple example the difference to Lmh. i looked at the Ising example and found a use of a shared array of spins. still i do not really get what is shared how and when; what happens in a single metropolis-hastings step and what would happen if doing the same naively using Lmh.

igarnier commented 1 year ago

I agree the API is a bit clunky, and the doc lacking. Ideally one would not need to have a dedicated type to express that some sub-graph is shared.