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Determine what domain registrar and DNS provider would be most appropriate for our website. #18

Closed DavidMann10k closed 3 years ago

DavidMann10k commented 4 years ago

Dreamhost is currently our registrar. We need to examine what we could change to and make it happen.

DavidMann10k commented 4 years ago

We want to have this solved ~1 month from now.

mgrider commented 4 years ago

So far I've evaluated freenom, ghandi, and hover. Freenom seems like a non-starter to me.

Ghandi seems fine, and includes email services with a domain purchase, (whereas a "forward only" address on Hover is an extra $5/year), but I kind of like Hover's UI just a tad better, and their prices seem about $1-2 cheaper per year. (Before adding in the extra for email. And of course, all I'm seeing is the front-facing UI, not the admin screens, so 🤷.)

I've also used NameCheap for my personal stuff for a few years now, and depending on how the experience with whatever we pick goes, I may switch all my domains over there. (NameCheap is not in the running, to be clear.)

What other providers (if any) should we evaluate?

DavidMann10k commented 3 years ago

Why is NameCheap not in the running?

I just did some deep digging into Gandi and Hover and I'm really impressed with Gandi. Price is the same for transfer, but Gandi has better (free) email options. We can have as many forwarded emails as we want.

DNSimple is great but it'd much more expensive for what we're doing.

mgrider commented 3 years ago

I just don't love namecheap. It's not bad per say. Okay, the UX is kinda bad. Dunno, I just haven't loved the experience. Maybe I won't love any of them, but I already know I don't love NameCheap.

DavidMann10k commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is up to date: https://gist.github.com/matt-bailey/bbbc181d5234c618e4dfe0642ad80297

mgrider commented 3 years ago

Here's info about how to unlock the domain from dreamhost. https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/215249878-How-do-I-transfer-my-domain-registration-away-from-DreamHost-

mgrider commented 3 years ago

Gandi account has been created and dns transfer initiated.