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History page issues #29

Open Mark-LaCroix opened 3 years ago

Mark-LaCroix commented 3 years ago
mgrider commented 3 years ago

    * The items listed on the history page should include what type of event it is, perhaps with the ability to sort by event type.

I could imagine adding this, but it would require some changes. Namely, the bottom half of this page is all inline (as opposed to the top-half, where the list is generated from individual files in the _posts/events directory). They would obviously all have to be the same for this feature to work. (And we'd have to have meta-data about the older events that are inline.) I'm not opposed to this, but we have a lot of work to do just continuing to flush out the list, before we would do this.

I do like the idea of adding an indicator next to VR&HCI events. (And maybe also one-off or "special" events like the E3 events, GGJ events, and holiday socials, which do not currently have their own category.)

    * The YouTube embed for April 2020's main meeting is missing from its page.

This should probably be tracked as its own issue.

    * The YouTube embed for March 2020's VR+HCI meeting (if one exists) is missing from its page.

Same as above.

    * Twin Cities Playtest events are not listed.

So... those events all have the same description. I don't want to add a bunch of files in the _posts/events directory that only differ in their date and nothing else. I definitely agree that they should show up in the list, but I don't know of a good way to do it right now.

Probably, the solution is the same for this as it would be for making a sortable/filterable list, which is to turn this page into pure data that we loop through to create the list. (As opposed to the hybrid of looping through events, and markdown list.)