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HuggingFace Transformers for SciBERT Fine Tuning #26

Open ivalexander13 opened 3 years ago

ivalexander13 commented 3 years ago

After looking through example code for relation extraction tasks, writing something to do this task is too monumental. Now we're trying to do NER with HuggingFace, with the advantage (over AllenNLP) of having full control and transparency of the code.

Current Actions: NER on Transformers

Looking at example NER code to find a good base skeleton code. Then study AllenNLP's NER design to see any specific fine-tuning steps that we might need to replicate. Finally, begin writing code that fits our needs.

ivalexander13 commented 3 years ago

Code for NER has been implemented with default Trainer class. Rough hyperparameter tuning has been done and results are logged in this Google Sheet. The hyperparameters tuned are:

To-do's - expand on each:

ivalexander13 commented 3 years ago

[To-do] Regularizations:
