Parser failed on:
5-way FFA, two players and three computers (heap bloat OOM crash)
1v1 computer (RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 8191. Received 8193)
1v0 instant win (RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 8191. Received 8193)
Since it doesn't affect our primary revenue stream, leaving this alone until we get a bit more replay format stability after release
Parser failed on: 5-way FFA, two players and three computers (heap bloat OOM crash) 1v1 computer (
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 8191. Received 8193
) 1v0 instant win (RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 8191. Received 8193
)Since it doesn't affect our primary revenue stream, leaving this alone until we get a bit more replay format stability after release