iglesias / coding-challenges

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Remove input data Advent of Code #6

Open iglesias opened 9 months ago

iglesias commented 9 months ago

From https://adventofcode.com/2023/about,

Can I copy/redistribute part of Advent of Code? Please don't. Advent of Code is free to use, not free to copy. If you're posting a code repository somewhere, please don't include parts of Advent of Code like the puzzle text or your inputs. If you're making a website, please don't make it look like Advent of Code or name it something similar.

TIL! I got a Reddit notification on the phone after pushing today's [23d5] input (coincidence? Recommendations getting smarter? We'll never know):


So, this is just a remainder: don't share your inputs, they are private and should remain so.

I force-pushed to master earlier today, living dangerously, to remove the data for today's problem. And yep, starting to use branches religiously even for this one-mens repo.

Then, I have gone through the problems from last year and found that I uploaded at least to the repo the one for the warping-cube. So, this issue is about cleaning that data nicely for respect to Advent of Code's staff and their instructions.

Onboarding reading: ~https://git-scm.com/docs/git-filter-branch~ https://www.mankier.com/1/git-filter-repo#Examples_(TL;DR) https://aoc.just2good.co.uk/python/encrypting https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository

iglesias commented 8 months ago

From master: git filter-repo --path [AoC .in files from 2022] --invert-paths Then, force push.