When computing the correlations involving two objects, e.g. auto correlation of DLA or of quasars, or their cross-correlation, the sub-sampling covariance is overestimated at small rt,
when comparing to the mock-to-mock covariance.
The following plots are done using london mocks v9.9, with ~36 DLA auto-correlation.
The autoc-orrelation of quasars has the same behavior
When computing the correlations involving two objects, e.g. auto correlation of DLA or of quasars, or their cross-correlation, the sub-sampling covariance is overestimated at small rt, when comparing to the mock-to-mock covariance.
The following plots are done using london mocks v9.9, with ~36 DLA auto-correlation. The autoc-orrelation of quasars has the same behavior