igmk / pamtra

Passive and Active Microwave TRAnsfer model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Linux make errors #45

Closed ephraims28 closed 1 year ago

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am now working on a Linux server and am running into different errors that I haven't been able to figure out. Do you know what is happening? It seems like it's unable to find installed libraries. I'm running this from my data directory instead of my home directory since I have a very small space allocation in my home directory. I don't know if that is part of why it's having trouble finding the libraries. Is the fatal error at the end being caused by this?

Thanks, Sam

The server I am working on is:

Linux weather2.rsmas.miami.edu 3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 14:54:57 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[ephraim@weather2 pamtra]$ make which: no f2py in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) which: no f2py3 in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) which: no f2py2.7 in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) which: no nf-config in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) which: no nc-config in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) make: --fflags: Command not found which: no nf-config in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) which: no nc-config in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ephraim/.local/bin:/home/ephraim/bin) make: --flibs: Command not found gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/kinds.f90 -o src/kinds.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/nan.f90 -o src/nan.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_index.f90 -o src/vars_index.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/report_module.f90 -o src/report_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rt_utilities.f90 -o src/rt_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/settings.f90 -o src/settings.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/constants.f90 -o src/constants.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/zlib_stuff.f90 -o src/zlib_stuff.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_fastem4_coef.f90 -o src/mod_fastem4_coef.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/gasabs_module.f90 -o src/gasabs_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/conversions.f90 -o src/conversions.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/descriptor_file.f90 -o src/descriptor_file.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_atmosphere.f90 -o src/vars_atmosphere.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_rt.f90 -o src/vars_rt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90 -o src/vars_hydroFullSpec.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_io_strings.f90 -o src/mod_io_strings.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/getopt.f90 -o src/getopt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/parse_options.f90 -o src/parse_options.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radmat.f90 -o src/radmat.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/convolution.f90 -o src/convolution.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/get_gasabs.f90 -o src/get_gasabs.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_output.f90 -o src/vars_output.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/azimuth_emissivity_module.f90 -o src/azimuth_emissivity_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hyperbolic_step.f90 -o src/hyperbolic_step.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/slope_variance.f90 -o src/slope_variance.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/reflection_correction_module.f90 -o src/reflection_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/large_scale_correction_module.f90 -o src/large_scale_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/small_scale_correction_module.f90 -o src/small_scale_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/foam_utility_module.f90 -o src/foam_utility_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/liu.f90 -o src/liu.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/fresnel.f90 -o src/fresnel.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/fastemx.f90 -o src/fastemx.o src/fastemx.f90:287.17:

  emissivity(u_idx)  = e_azimuth(u_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is

Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:287.37:

  emissivity(u_idx)  = e_azimuth(u_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is

Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:288.17:

  emissivity(v_idx)  = e_azimuth(v_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is

Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:288.37:

  emissivity(v_idx)  = e_azimuth(v_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is

Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:293.37:

if (nstokes .gt. 2) reflectivity(u_idx:v_idx) = zero   ! 3rd, 4th stokes fr

Warning: Lower array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tessem2.f90 -o src/tessem2.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ocean_sfc_optics.f90 -o src/ocean_sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.f90 -o src/mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/telsem2.f90 -o src/telsem2.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/land_sfc_optics.f90 -o src/land_sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/sfc_optics.f90 -o src/sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/sfc_matrices.f90 -o src/sfc_matrices.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/run_rt.f90 -o src/run_rt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scat_utilities.f90 -o src/scat_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mpm93.f90 -o src/mpm93.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_water.f90 -o src/eps_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mie_scat_utilities.f90 -o src/mie_scat_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mie_spheres.f90 -o src/mie_spheres.o gcc -O -fPIC -c src/scatdb.c -o src/scatdb.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dda_db_liu.f90 -o src/dda_db_liu.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dda_db_hong.f90 -o src/dda_db_hong.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hongdb.f90 -o src/hongdb.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dia2vel.f90 -o src/dia2vel.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rescale_spectra.f90 -o src/rescale_spectra.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_moments.f90 -o src/radar_moments.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_spectrum.f90 -o src/radar_spectrum.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_spectral_broadening.f90 -o src/radar_spectral_broadening.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_simulator.f90 -o src/radar_simulator.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rosen98_gasabs.f90 -o src/rosen98_gasabs.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/surface.f90 -o src/surface.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_ice.f90 -o src/eps_ice.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_mix.f90 -o src/eps_mix.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/equcom.f90 -o src/equcom.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/land_emis_ssmi.f90 -o src/land_emis_ssmi.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/equare.f90 -o src/equare.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ref_water.f90 -o src/ref_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ref_ice.f90 -o src/ref_ice.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/e_sat_gg_water.f90 -o src/e_sat_gg_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/interpolation.f90 -o src/interpolation.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/collect_output.f90 -o src/collect_output.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/save_active.f90 -o src/save_active.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/random.f90 -o src/random.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rt4.f90 -o src/rt4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radtran4.f90 -o src/radtran4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radintg4.f90 -o src/radintg4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radscat4.f90 -o src/radscat4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/drop_size_dist.f90 -o src/drop_size_dist.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_dist.f90 -o src/make_dist.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_dist_param.f90 -o src/make_dist_param.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_mass_size.f90 -o src/make_mass_size.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/calc_moment.f90 -o src/calc_moment.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_soft_spheroid.f90 -o src/make_soft_spheroid.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/check_print.f90 -o src/check_print.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix.f90 -o src/tmatrix.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rayleigh_gans.f90 -o src/rayleigh_gans.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scatProperties.f90 -o src/scatProperties.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hydrometeor_extinction.f90 -o src/hydrometeor_extinction.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scatcnv.f90 -o src/scatcnv.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix_lpq.f -o src/tmatrix_lpq.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/get_scat_mat.f90 -o src/get_scat_mat.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/refractive_index.f90 -o src/refractive_index.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dsort.f90 -o src/dsort.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rho_air.f90 -o src/rho_air.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/viscosity_air.f90 -o src/viscosity_air.o echo "!edit in makefile only!" > src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "subroutine versionNumber(gitVersion,gitHash)" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "implicit none" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "character(40), intent(out) ::gitVersion,gitHash" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "gitVersion = 'v1.0.0-75-g16f0bbd-master'" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "gitHash = '16f0bbda8b7b2a64478b0fe5db0f717de3bbd649'" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "return" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "end subroutine versionNumber" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/versionNumber.auto.f90 -o src/versionNumber.auto.o #otherwise error on first make run! gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/smooth_savitzky_golay.f90 -o src/smooth_savitzky_golay.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90 -o src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f -o src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/deallocate_everything.f90 -o src/deallocate_everything.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 -O2 src/write_nc_results.f90 -o src/write_nc_results.o src/write_nc_results.f90:7.6:

use netcdf 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'netcdf.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory make: *** [src/write_nc_results.o] Error 1

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam and thanks for your interest in pamtra.

It looks like you are missing a lot of requirements: missing f2py, nc-config for example In particular, the compilation stops because it cannot find the NetCDF module for Fortran. This is typically installed with a system package. A couple of questions: 1) Did you follow the installation instructions in the section about the system requirements? https://pamtra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html 2) Do you have the required libraries installed system-wide or perhaps you had to install them locally in your home folder? In the second case you will have to edit the -L option for the linker in the Makefile 3) The installation instructions follow the Ubuntu system configuration because that is what we are most used to. If I understand correctly from your message, the server is not running Ubuntu but maybe CentOS or some other flavor of RedHat Enterprise Linux. Is that correct? Is there a module loader for the environment like in a classic supercomputer?

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I did look at the instructions, but as you mention in your 3rd question, its RedHat, not Ubuntu. I had my professor/system administrator install the libraries mentioned in your Ubuntu instructions.

sudo yum install git gfortran libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev python3-dev python3-numpy

Would I just need to install all the libraries that it is stating from the Makefile I'm missing? Or is that just the beginning of other challenges I would have in Redhat.

There is no module loader. The libraries are installed centrally in /bin

jchylik commented 1 year ago

its RedHat, not Ubuntu. I had my professor/system administrator install the libraries mentioned in your Ubuntu instructions.

Doesn't matter whether it is RedHat or Ubuntu, you do not have to wait for others to install it for you. In majority of cases, you can locally install libraries yourself, and then modify the paths in the Makefile as suggested by DaveOri

some more guidelines:



DaveOri commented 1 year ago

sudo yum install git gfortran libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev python3-dev python3-numpy

Hi Sam, thanks for your reply. I do not have specific experience with rpm-based systems, so I am really guessing here, but as far as I remember the package names do not follow the same scheme as those distributed under apt. For example the libnetcdf-dev and libnetcdff-dev might have an equivalent (assuming you are running an x86_64 architecture) netcdf-fortran-devel.x86_64 netcdf-fortran.x86_64 netcdf-devel.x86_64 netcdf.x86_64 from the epel repository

I would check if those libraries are actually installed first! and if, perhaps the yum command needs to be adjusted. Libraries should not be under /bin, that is a typical place for executables (like ncdump which is typically installed along with netcdf libraries). An important program that is installed along with the netcdf library is either nc-config (Ubuntu systems) or nf-config (others) this program tells the Makefile where to find the netcdf libraries and it seems that is missing on your system from the output of the make command! Check this as well! We have a running installation of pamtra on a centos cluster that used nf-config for installation, so it should be there I guess.

Similarly I see that your system is missing the f2py program. This comes with the installation of numpy. I believe also this failed. You can install numpy with yum or pip or something else, but it is essential for the fortran library wrapper

Sorry I can't solve your problem directly, this is something to forward to your sysadmin

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all the advise! I'll follow back up if I either am able to run pamtra successfully or get to a point where its more of a pamtra specific question than a system question

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

I'm now using NCAR's Cheyenne HPC and I've been able to get further than in the past.

Some previous troubleshooting that I was able to resolve myself that may be relevant to my current errors:

I originally had the same error that as my first post, granted, I'm now on a different system. (Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'netcdf.mod' ...) I was able to resolve this by using a gnu compiler instead of intel (I did this by using the gnu module instead of the default intel one)

That fixed that error, and then I had an error with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llapack /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfftw3"

I was able to resolve this by downloading these packages manually through their websites, installing them, and adding the location where they were installed to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH

This is the current output of make. It looks like another issue with ld. Is there a problem with blas and lapack being .a files instead of .so files?

gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/kinds.f90 -o src/kinds.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/nan.f90 -o src/nan.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_index.f90 -o src/vars_index.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/report_module.f90 -o src/report_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rt_utilities.f90 -o src/rt_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/settings.f90 -o src/settings.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/constants.f90 -o src/constants.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/zlib_stuff.f90 -o src/zlib_stuff.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_fastem4_coef.f90 -o src/mod_fastem4_coef.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/gasabs_module.f90 -o src/gasabs_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/conversions.f90 -o src/conversions.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/descriptor_file.f90 -o src/descriptor_file.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_atmosphere.f90 -o src/vars_atmosphere.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_rt.f90 -o src/vars_rt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90 -o src/vars_hydroFullSpec.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_io_strings.f90 -o src/mod_io_strings.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/getopt.f90 -o src/getopt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/parse_options.f90 -o src/parse_options.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radmat.f90 -o src/radmat.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/convolution.f90 -o src/convolution.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/get_gasabs.f90 -o src/get_gasabs.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/vars_output.f90 -o src/vars_output.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/azimuth_emissivity_module.f90 -o src/azimuth_emissivity_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hyperbolic_step.f90 -o src/hyperbolic_step.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/slope_variance.f90 -o src/slope_variance.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/reflection_correction_module.f90 -o src/reflection_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/large_scale_correction_module.f90 -o src/large_scale_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/small_scale_correction_module.f90 -o src/small_scale_correction_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/foam_utility_module.f90 -o src/foam_utility_module.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/liu.f90 -o src/liu.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/fresnel.f90 -o src/fresnel.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/fastemx.f90 -o src/fastemx.o src/fastemx.f90:287:17:

287 | emissivity(u_idx) = e_azimuth(u_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:287:37:

287 | emissivity(u_idx) = e_azimuth(u_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:288:17:

288 | emissivity(v_idx) = e_azimuth(v_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:288:37:

288 | emissivity(v_idx) = e_azimuth(v_idx) ! knwon Warning: Array reference is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (4 > 2) in dimension 1 src/fastemx.f90:293:37:

293 | if (nstokes .gt. 2) reflectivity(u_idx:v_idx) = zero ! 3rd, 4th stokes from atmosphere are not included. ! knwon Warning: Lower array reference is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 | 1 Warning: Lower array reference at (1) is out of bounds (3 > 2) in dimension 1 gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tessem2.f90 -o src/tessem2.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ocean_sfc_optics.f90 -o src/ocean_sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.f90 -o src/mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/telsem2.f90 -o src/telsem2.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/land_sfc_optics.f90 -o src/land_sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/sfc_optics.f90 -o src/sfc_optics.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/sfc_matrices.f90 -o src/sfc_matrices.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/run_rt.f90 -o src/run_rt.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scat_utilities.f90 -o src/scat_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mpm93.f90 -o src/mpm93.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_water.f90 -o src/eps_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mie_scat_utilities.f90 -o src/mie_scat_utilities.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/mie_spheres.f90 -o src/mie_spheres.o gcc -O -fPIC -c src/scatdb.c -o src/scatdb.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dda_db_liu.f90 -o src/dda_db_liu.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dda_db_hong.f90 -o src/dda_db_hong.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hongdb.f90 -o src/hongdb.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dia2vel.f90 -o src/dia2vel.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rescale_spectra.f90 -o src/rescale_spectra.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_moments.f90 -o src/radar_moments.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_spectrum.f90 -o src/radar_spectrum.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_spectral_broadening.f90 -o src/radar_spectral_broadening.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_simulator.f90 -o src/radar_simulator.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rosen98_gasabs.f90 -o src/rosen98_gasabs.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/surface.f90 -o src/surface.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_ice.f90 -o src/eps_ice.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/eps_mix.f90 -o src/eps_mix.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/equcom.f90 -o src/equcom.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/land_emis_ssmi.f90 -o src/land_emis_ssmi.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/equare.f90 -o src/equare.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ref_water.f90 -o src/ref_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/ref_ice.f90 -o src/ref_ice.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/e_sat_gg_water.f90 -o src/e_sat_gg_water.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/interpolation.f90 -o src/interpolation.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/collect_output.f90 -o src/collect_output.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/save_active.f90 -o src/save_active.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/random.f90 -o src/random.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rt4.f90 -o src/rt4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radtran4.f90 -o src/radtran4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radintg4.f90 -o src/radintg4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radscat4.f90 -o src/radscat4.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/drop_size_dist.f90 -o src/drop_size_dist.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_dist.f90 -o src/make_dist.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_dist_param.f90 -o src/make_dist_param.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_mass_size.f90 -o src/make_mass_size.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/calc_moment.f90 -o src/calc_moment.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/make_soft_spheroid.f90 -o src/make_soft_spheroid.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/check_print.f90 -o src/check_print.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix.f90 -o src/tmatrix.o src/tmatrix.f90:207:105:

207 | A6,I3.3),A6,ES12.6,A6,SP,I3.2,SS,2(A6,ES9.3),A6,A3,4(A6,ES9.3),A1)'),& | 1

Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1) src/tmatrix.f90:214:105:

214 | A6,I3.3),A6,ES12.6,A6,SP,I3.2,SS,2(A6,ES9.3),A6,A3,4(A6,ES9.3),A1)'),& | 1

Warning: Legacy Extension: Comma before i/o item list at (1) gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rayleigh_gans.f90 -o src/rayleigh_gans.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scatProperties.f90 -o src/scatProperties.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/hydrometeor_extinction.f90 -o src/hydrometeor_extinction.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/scatcnv.f90 -o src/scatcnv.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix_lpq.f -o src/tmatrix_lpq.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/get_scat_mat.f90 -o src/get_scat_mat.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/refractive_index.f90 -o src/refractive_index.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/dsort.f90 -o src/dsort.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/rho_air.f90 -o src/rho_air.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/viscosity_air.f90 -o src/viscosity_air.o echo "!edit in makefile only!" > src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "subroutine versionNumber(gitVersion,gitHash)" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "implicit none" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "character(40), intent(out) ::gitVersion,gitHash" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "gitVersion = 'v1.0.0-75-g16f0bbd-master'" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "gitHash = '16f0bbda8b7b2a64478b0fe5db0f717de3bbd649'" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "return" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 echo "end subroutine versionNumber" >> src/versionNumber.auto.f90 gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/versionNumber.auto.f90 -o src/versionNumber.auto.o #otherwise error on first make run! gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/smooth_savitzky_golay.f90 -o src/smooth_savitzky_golay.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90 -o src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f -o src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.o src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:479:72:

479 | DO 213 N1=1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 213 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:510:72:

510 | DO 214 N1=1,NM | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 214 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:785:72:

785 | DO 5 N=1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 5 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:809:72:

809 | DO 400 N=NMIN,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 400 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:985:72:

985 | DO 10 N1=1,N | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 10 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1054:72:

1054 | 20 PC=XPB+(XPB-PA)*(DJ-A)/DJ | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 20 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1073:72:

1073 | 105 PRINT 1200,I,ZZ,I,W(I) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 105 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1082:72:

1082 | 120 Z(I)=(A+Z(I))/B | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 120 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1361:72:

1361 | DO 10 N=1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 10 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1429:72:

1429 | 5 Y(I+1)=float(2I+1)X1*Y(I)-Y(I-1) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 5 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1432:72:

1432 | 10 V(I)=Y(I-1)-float(I)X1Y(I) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 10 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1580:72:

1580 | DO 25 N=1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 25 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1595:72:

1595 | DO 300 N2=MM1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 300 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1689:72:

1689 | DO 310 N2=MM1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 310 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1726:72:

1726 | DO 320 N2=1,NNMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 320 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1820:72:

1820 | DO 25 N=1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 25 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1838:72:

1838 | DO 300 N2=MM1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 300 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:1983:72:

1983 | DO 310 N2=MM1,NMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 310 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:2030:72:

2030 | DO 320 N2=1,NNMAX | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: Shared DO termination label 320 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:2299:72:

2299 | 20 PC=XPB+(XPB-PA)*(DJ-A)/DJ | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 20 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:2317:72:

2317 | 105 PRINT 1200,I,ZZ,I,W(I) | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 105 at (1) src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.f:2326:72:

2326 | 120 Z(I)=(A+Z(I))/B | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 120 at (1) gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 src/deallocate_everything.f90 -o src/deallocate_everything.o gfortran -c -fPIC -cpp -Jsrc/ -Isrc/ -O2 -I/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf/4.8.1/gnu/10.1.0/include -I/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf/4.8.1/gnu/10.1.0/include -O2 src/write_nc_results.f90 -o src/write_nc_results.o gfortran -Isrc/ -o bin/pamtra src/pamtra.f90 src/kinds.o src/nan.o src/vars_index.o src/report_module.o src/rt_utilities.o src/settings.o src/constants.o src/zlib_stuff.o src/mod_fastem4_coef.o src/gasabs_module.o src/conversions.o src/descriptor_file.o src/vars_atmosphere.o src/vars_rt.o src/vars_hydroFullSpec.o src/mod_io_strings.o src/getopt.o src/parse_options.o src/radmat.o src/convolution.o src/get_gasabs.o src/vars_output.o src/azimuth_emissivity_module.o src/hyperbolic_step.o src/slope_variance.o src/reflection_correction_module.o src/large_scale_correction_module.o src/small_scale_correction_module.o src/foam_utility_module.o src/liu.o src/fresnel.o src/fastemx.o src/tessem2.o src/ocean_sfc_optics.o src/mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o src/telsem2.o src/land_sfc_optics.o src/sfc_optics.o src/sfc_matrices.o src/run_rt.o src/scat_utilities.o src/mpm93.o src/eps_water.o src/mie_scat_utilities.o src/mie_spheres.o src/scatdb.o src/dda_db_liu.o src/dda_db_hong.o src/hongdb.o src/dia2vel.o src/rescale_spectra.o src/radar_moments.o src/radar_spectrum.o src/radar_spectral_broadening.o src/radar_simulator.o src/rosen98_gasabs.o src/surface.o src/eps_ice.o src/eps_mix.o src/equcom.o src/land_emis_ssmi.o src/equare.o src/ref_water.o src/ref_ice.o src/e_sat_gg_water.o src/interpolation.o src/collect_output.o src/save_active.o src/random.o src/rt4.o src/radtran4.o src/radintg4.o src/radscat4.o src/drop_size_dist.o src/make_dist.o src/make_dist_param.o src/make_mass_size.o src/calc_moment.o src/make_soft_spheroid.o src/check_print.o src/tmatrix.o src/rayleigh_gans.o src/scatProperties.o src/hydrometeor_extinction.o src/scatcnv.o src/tmatrix_lpq.o src/get_scat_mat.o src/refractive_index.o src/dsort.o src/rho_air.o src/viscosity_air.o src/versionNumber.auto.o src/smooth_savitzky_golay.o src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o src/tmatrix_amplq.lp.o src/deallocate_everything.o src/write_nc_results.o -L/usr/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -llapack -Llib/ -L../lib/ -lblas -lz -lfftw3 -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf/4.8.1/gnu/10.1.0/lib -lnetcdff #################################################################################### Note there is a bug in numpy 1.10.1, intent in or out is not recognized Note there is a bug in numpy 1.12.0, length of arrays is not recognized by f2py #################################################################################### /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/bin/f2py --overwrite-signature -m pyPamtraLib -h src/pypamtralib.pyf src/report_module.f90 src/vars_index.f90 src/viscosity_air.f90 src/convolution.f90 src/deallocate_everything.f90 src/vars_output.f90 src/vars_atmosphere.f90 src/settings.f90 src/descriptor_file.f90 src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90 src/radar_moments.f90 src/eps_water.f90 src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90 src/dia2vel.f90 src/pyPamtraLib.f90 Reading fortran codes... Reading file 'src/report_module.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/vars_index.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/viscosity_air.f90' (format:free) Reading file 'src/convolution.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/fftw3.f' (format:fix,strict) Reading file 'src/deallocate_everything.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/vars_output.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/vars_atmosphere.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Line #725 in src/vars_atmosphere.f90:" call assert_true(err,(all(atmo_hgt_lev(nx,ny,1:atmo_nlyrs(nx,ny)+1)>-500) .or. all(atmo_hgt(nx,ny,1:atmo_nlyrs(nx,ny))>-500)), "hgt or hgt_lev must be greater -500 (Depression in northern Egypt within the CORDEX domain :-))") " analyzeline: No name/args pattern found for line. rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/settings.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "default" with "default_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "default" with "default_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/descriptor_file.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/radar_moments.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/eps_water.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/dia2vel.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Reading file 'src/pyPamtraLib.f90' (format:free) rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". rmbadname1: Replacing "long" with "long_bn". Post-processing... Block: pyPamtraLib Block: report_module In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by report_module In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by report_module In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" analyzevars: charselector={'len': '7'} unhandled. Block: report In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:report get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by report In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:report get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by report Block: assert_true In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:assert_true get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by assert_true In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:assert_true get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by assert_true Block: assert_false In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:assert_false get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by assert_false In: :pyPamtraLib:src/report_module.f90:report_module:assert_false get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by assert_false Block: vars_index In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_index.f90:vars_index get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_index Block: viscosity_air In: :pyPamtraLib:src/viscosity_air.f90:viscosity_air get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by viscosity_air In: :pyPamtraLib:src/viscosity_air.f90:viscosity_air get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: kinematic_viscosity_air In: :pyPamtraLib:src/viscosity_air.f90:kinematic_viscosity_air get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by kinematic_viscosity_air In: :pyPamtraLib:src/viscosity_air.f90:kinematic_viscosity_air get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: convolution In: :pyPamtraLib:src/convolution.f90:convolution get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolution In: :pyPamtraLib:src/convolution.f90:convolution get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/convolution.f90:convolution get_useparameters: no module settings info used by convolution Block: convolution_slow In: :pyPamtraLib:src/convolution.f90:convolution_slow get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolution_slow Block: convolutionfft In: :pyPamtraLib:src/convolution.f90:convolutionfft get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolutionfft Block: deallocate_everything Block: do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_output info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module scatproperties info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module drop_size_dist info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_rt info used by do_deallocate_everything In: :pyPamtraLib:src/deallocate_everything.f90:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_hydrofullspec info used by do_deallocate_everything Block: vars_output In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_output In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output get_useparameters: no module settings info used by vars_output Block: allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module mod_io_strings info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module nan info used by allocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: deallocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by deallocate_output_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_output.f90:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by deallocate_output_vars Block: vars_atmosphere In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_atmosphere In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module settings info used by vars_atmosphere analyzevars: charselector={'len': '4'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '4'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '1'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled. Block: screen_input In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by screen_input In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by screen_input In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module settings info used by screen_input Block: allocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module nan info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars Block: deallocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by deallocate_atmosphere_vars Block: read_new_fill_variables In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_new_fill_variables In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by read_new_fill_variables In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module settings info used by read_new_fill_variables Block: add_obs_height In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by add_obs_height In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module constants info used by add_obs_height In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module settings info used by add_obs_height Block: read_classic_fill_variables In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_classic_fill_variables In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module settings info used by read_classic_fill_variables Block: fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module constants info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars Block: print_out_layer In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_out_layer In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_out_layer Block: print_out_level In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_out_level In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_out_level Block: print_vars_atmosphere In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_vars_atmosphere In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_atmosphere.f90:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_vars_atmosphere Block: settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '1'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '8'} unhandled. Block: settings_read In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_read get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings_read In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_read get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: test_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:test_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by test_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:test_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: fillrealvalues In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:fillrealvalues get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by fillrealvalues In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:fillrealvalues get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: add_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:add_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by add_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:add_settings get_useparameters: no module rt_utilities info used by add_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:add_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: settings_fill_default In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_fill_default get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings_fill_default In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_fill_default get_useparameters: no module nan info used by settings_fill_default In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_fill_default get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_fill_default getarrlen:variable "maxfreq" undefined In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:settings_fill_default getarrlen:variable "maxfreq" undefined Block: print_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:print_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_settings In: :pyPamtraLib:src/settings.f90:settings:print_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '15'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '30'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '15'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '60'} unhandled. Block: read_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:read_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:read_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: allocate_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:allocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:allocate_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: process_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:process_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by process_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:process_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: deallocate_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:deallocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_descriptor_file In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:deallocate_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: printdescriptorvars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:printdescriptorvars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by printdescriptorvars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/descriptor_file.f90:descriptor_file:printdescriptorvars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: vars_hydrofullspec In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_hydrofullspec In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: allocate_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:allocate_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:allocate_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: deallocate_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:deallocate_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:deallocate_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: print_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:print_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_hydrofs_vars In: :pyPamtraLib:src/vars_hydroFullSpec.f90:vars_hydrofullspec:print_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: radar_moments In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_moments In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments get_useparameters: no module constants info used by radar_moments get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'radar_peak_min_snr': 'radar_peak_min_snr', 'radar_min_v': 'radar_min_v', 'radar_peak_min_bins': 'radar_peak_min_bins', 'radar_peak_snr_definition': 'radar_peak_snr_definition', 'radar_smooth_spectrum': 'radar_smooth_spectrum', 'radar_no_ave': 'radar_no_ave', 'radar_use_wider_peak': 'radar_use_wider_peak', 'radar_max_v': 'radar_max_v'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: radar_calc_moments In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_calc_moments In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: no module constants info used by radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'radar_peak_min_snr': 'radar_peak_min_snr', 'radar_min_v': 'radar_min_v', 'radar_peak_min_bins': 'radar_peak_min_bins', 'radar_peak_snr_definition': 'radar_peak_snr_definition', 'radar_smooth_spectrum': 'radar_smooth_spectrum', 'radar_no_ave': 'radar_no_ave', 'radar_use_wider_peak': 'radar_use_wider_peak', 'radar_max_v': 'radar_max_v'}, 'only': 1} not impl.In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments:unknown_interface get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by unknown_interface In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments:unknown_interface get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_moments.f90:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments:unknown_interface get_useparameters: no module constants info used by unknown_interface get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'radar_peak_min_snr': 'radar_peak_min_snr', 'radar_min_v': 'radar_min_v', 'radar_peak_min_bins': 'radar_peak_min_bins', 'radar_peak_snr_definition': 'radar_peak_snr_definition', 'radar_smooth_spectrum': 'radar_smooth_spectrum', 'radar_no_ave': 'radar_no_ave', 'radar_use_wider_peak': 'radar_use_wider_peak', 'radar_max_v': 'radar_max_v'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: eps_water In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water Block: get_eps_water In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:get_eps_water get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:get_eps_water get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by get_eps_water get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'liq_mod': 'liq_mod'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: eps_water_ellison In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ellison get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_ellison In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ellison get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on '(/0.46606917e-02,-0.26087876e-04,-0.63926782e-05,0.63000075e+01,0.26242021e-02,-0.42984155e-02,0.34414691e-04,0.17667420e-03,-0.20491560e-06,0.58366888e+03,0.12634992e+03,0.69227972e-04,0.38957681e-06,0.30742330e+03,0.12634992e+03,0.37245044e+01,0.92609781e-02,-0.26093754e-01/)' Block: eps_water_liebe In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_liebe get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_liebe Block: eps_water_ray In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ray get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_ray In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ray get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on '(/.20000,.22500,.25000,.27500,.30000,.32500,.35001,.37500,.40000,.42501,.45000,.47499,.50000,.52499,.54999,.57501,.59999,.62500,.64998,.67499,.68966,.70175,.71429,.72464,.73529,.74627,.75188,.75758,.76923,.78125,.79365,.80645,.81301,.81967,.83333,.84746,.86207,.87719,.89286,.90909,.92593,.93458,.94340,.95238,.96154,.97276,.98039,.99010,1.00000,1.01010,1.02041,1.03093,1.04167,1.05263,1.06952,1.08696,1.09890,1.11111,1.12360,1.13636,1.14943,1.16279,1.17647,1.19048,1.20482,1.21951,1.23457,1.25000,1.26582,1.28205,1.29870,1.31579,1.33333,1.35135,1.36986,1.38889,1.40845,1.42857,1.44300,1.47059,1.49254,1.51515,1.53846,1.56250,1.58730,1.61290,1.63934,1.66667,1.69492,1.72414,1.75439,1.78571,1.80180,1.81818,1.85185,1.88679,1.92678,1.96078,2.00000,2.02020,2.04082,2.06186,2.08333,2.10526,2.12766,2.15054,2.17391,2.19780,2.22222,2.24719,2.27273,2.29885,2.32558,2.35294,2.38095,2.40964,2.43902,2.46914,2.50000,2.50627,2.51256,2.51889,2.52525,2.53165,2.53807,2.54453,2.55102,2.55754,2.56410,2.57069,2.57732,2.58398,2.59067,2.59740,2.60417,2.61097,2.61780,2.62467,2.63158,2.63852,2.64550,2.65252,2.65957,2.66667,2.67380,2.68097,2.68817,2.69542,2.70270,2.71003,2.71739,2.72480,2.73224,2.73973,2.74725,2.75482,2.76243,2.77008,2.77778,2.78552,2.79330,2.80112,2.80899,2.81690,2.82486,2.83286,2.84091,2.84900,2.85714,2.86533,2.87356,2.88184,2.89017,2.89855,2.90698,2.91545,2.92398,2.93255,2.94118,2.94985,2.95858,2.96736,2.97619,2.98507,2.99401,3.00300,3.01205,3.02115,3.03030,3.03951,3.04878,3.05810,3.06748,3.07692,3.08642,3.09598,3.10559,3.11526,3.12500,3.13480,3.14465,3.15457,3.16456,3.17460,3.18471,3.19489,3.20513,3.21543,3.22581,3.23625,3.24675,3.25733,3.26797,3.27869,3.28947,3.30033,3.31126,3.32226,3.33333,3.34448,3.35570,3.36700,3.37838,3.38983,3.40136,3.41297,3.42466,3.43643,3.44828,3.46021,3.47222,3.48432,3.49650,3.50877,3.52113,3.53357,3.54610,3.55872,3.57143,3.58423,3.59712,3.61011,3.62319,3.63636,3.64964,3.66300,3.67647,3.69004,3.70370,3.71747,3.73134,3.74532,3.75940,3.77358,3.78788,3.80228,3.81679,3.83142,3.84615,3.86100,3.87597,3.89105,3.90625,3.92157,3.93701,3.95257,3.96825,3.98406,4.00000,4.01606,4.03226,4.04858,4.06504,4.08163,4.09836,4.11523,4.13223,4.14938,4.16667,4.18410,4.20168,4.21941,4.23729,4.25532,4.27350,4.29185,4.31034,4.32900,4.34783,4.36681,4.38596,4.40529,4.42478,4.44444,4.46429,4.48430,4.50450,4.52489,4.54545,4.56621,4.58716,4.60829,4.62963,4.65116,4.67290,4.69484,4.71698,4.73934,4.76190,4.78469,4.80769,4.83092,4.85437,4.87805,4.90196,4.92611,4.95050,4.97512,5.00000,5.02513,5.05051,5.07614,5.10204,5.12821,5.15464,5.18135,5.20833,5.23560,5.26316,5.29101,5.31915,5.34759,5.37634,5.40541,5.43478,5.46448,5.49451,5.52486,5.55556,5.58659,5.61798,5.64972,5.68182,5.71429,5.74713,5.78035,5.81395,5.84795,5.88235,5.91716,5.95238,5.98802,6.02410,6.06061,6.09756,6.13497,6.17284,6.21118,6.25000,6.28931,6.32911,6.36943,6.41026,6.45161,6.49351,6.53595,6.57895,6.62252,6.66667,6.71141,6.75676,6.80272,6.84932,6.89655,6.94444,6.99301,7.04225,7.09220,7.14286,7.19424,7.24638,7.29927,7.35294,7.40741,7.46269,7.51880,7.57576,7.63359,7.69231,7.75194,7.81250,7.87402,7.93651,8.00000,8.06452,8.13008,8.19672,8.26446,8.33333,8.40336,8.47458,8.54701,8.62069,8.69565,8.77193,8.84956,8.92857,9.00901,9.09091,9.17431,9.25926,9.34579,9.43396,9.52381,9.61538,9.70874,9.80392,9.90099,10.00000,10.10101,10.20408,10.30928,10.41667,10.52632,10.63830,10.75269,10.86957,10.98901,11.11111,11.23596,11.36364,11.49425,11.62791,11.76471,11.90476,12.04819,12.19512,12.34568,12.50000,12.65823,12.82051,12.98701,13.15789,13.33333,13.51351,13.69863,13.88889,14.08451,14.28571,14.49275,14.70588,14.92537,15.15152,15.38462,15.62500,15.87302,16.12903,16.39344,16.66667,16.94915,17.24138,17.54386,17.85714,18.18182,18.51852,18.86792,19.23077,19.60784,20.00000,20.40816,20.83333,21.27660,21.73913,22.22222,22.72727,23.25581,23.80952,24.39024,25.00000,25.64103,26.31579,27.02703,27.77778,28.57143,29.41176,30.30303,31.25000,32.25806,33.33333,34.48276,35.71429,37.03704,38.46154,40.00000,41.66667,43.47826,45.45455,47.61905,50.00000,52.63158,55.55556,58.82353,62.50000,66.66667,71.42857,76.92308,83.33333,90.90909, 100.00000, 111.11111,125.00000, 142.85714, 166.66667, 200.00000, 250.00000, 333.33333,500.00000,1000.00000/)' In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ray get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on 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In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_ray get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on '(/1.396,1.373,1.362,1.354,1.349,1.346,1.343,1.341,1.339,1.338,1.337,1.336,1.335,1.334,1.333,1.333,1.332,1.332,1.331,1.331,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.332,1.331,1.331,1.331,1.331,1.331,1.330,1.330,1.330,1.330,1.330,1.329,1.329,1.329,1.329,1.329,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.328,1.327,1.327,1.327,1.327,1.326,1.326,1.326,1.326,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.324,1.324,1.324,1.324,1.323,1.323,1.323,1.322,1.322,1.321,1.321,1.321,1.320,1.320,1.319,1.319,1.318,1.318,1.317,1.316,1.315,1.314,1.314,1.313,1.312,1.312,1.311,1.310,1.309,1.307,1.306,1.301,1.301,1.300,1.298,1.298,1.296,1.295,1.294,1.293,1.291,1.289,1.287,1.285,1.282,1.280,1.277,1.274,1.270,1.265,1.261,1.260,1.259,1.257,1.256,1.255,1.254,1.252,1.250,1.249,1.247,1.246,1.243,1.241,1.240,1.238,1.235,1.232,1.230,1.227,1.224,1.221,1.218,1.214,1.210,1.205,1.200,1.195,1.191,1.185,1.179,1.172,1.166,1.157,1.149,1.144,1.139,1.138,1.138,1.139,1.141,1.144,1.149,1.154,1.158,1.161,1.165,1.171,1.177,1.183,1.191,1.199,1.212,1.220,1.233,1.246,1.258,1.271,1.282,1.293,1.305,1.317,1.329,1.342,1.353,1.364,1.376,1.386,1.398,1.407,1.417,1.426,1.434,1.442,1.450,1.457,1.465,1.471,1.476,1.480,1.483,1.486,1.487,1.487,1.487,1.486,1.485,1.482,1.479,1.477,1.474,1.472,1.467,1.464,1.461,1.457,1.454,1.451,1.448,1.444,1.441,1.437,1.434,1.431,1.427,1.425,1.421,1.418,1.415,1.413,1.410,1.407,1.405,1.403,1.400,1.398,1.396,1.394,1.392,1.390,1.388,1.387,1.385,1.383,1.382,1.379,1.378,1.377,1.375,1.374,1.372,1.371,1.370,1.369,1.367,1.366,1.365,1.363,1.361,1.361,1.360,1.358,1.358,1.357,1.355,1.354,1.353,1.352,1.351,1.350,1.349,1.348,1.348,1.347,1.346,1.345,1.344,1.344,1.343,1.342,1.341,1.340,1.340,1.338,1.337,1.337,1.335,1.334,1.334,1.333,1.332,1.332,1.331,1.330,1.330,1.330,1.329,1.329,1.329,1.328,1.328,1.327,1.327,1.327,1.327,1.327,1.326,1.326,1.326,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.325,1.324,1.324,1.323,1.322,1.322,1.321,1.320,1.319,1.318,1.318,1.317,1.316,1.314,1.313,1.311,1.310,1.308,1.306,1.304,1.302,1.299,1.297,1.294,1.291,1.288,1.285,1.282,1.278,1.275,1.271,1.267,1.262,1.256,1.251,1.247,1.242,1.241,1.241,1.247,1.265,1.289,1.311,1.332,1.349,1.354,1.356,1.354,1.350,1.345,1.341,1.337,1.333,1.330,1.326,1.324,1.322,1.320,1.319,1.318,1.317,1.316,1.315,1.314,1.313,1.311,1.310,1.309,1.308,1.307,1.306,1.305,1.303,1.302,1.301,1.300,1.298,1.296,1.295,1.294,1.293,1.291,1.288,1.286,1.285,1.283,1.281,1.279,1.276,1.274,1.271,1.269,1.267,1.264,1.261,1.259,1.256,1.253,1.249,1.246,1.242,1.238,1.234,1.230,1.224,1.220,1.214,1.208,1.202,1.194,1.189,1.181,1.174,1.168,1.162,1.156,1.149,1.143,1.139,1.135,1.132,1.132,1.131,1.132,1.130,1.130,1.134,1.138,1.142,1.157,1.171,1.182,1.189,1.201,1.213,1.223,1.236,1.249,1.264,1.277,1.289,1.303,1.313,1.324,1.335,1.348,1.361,1.372,1.385,1.396,1.407,1.419,1.431,1.441,1.451,1.462,1.470,1.480,1.488,1.496,1.504,1.510,1.515,1.521,1.527,1.532,1.537,1.541,1.545,1.549,1.552,1.552,1.552,1.550,1.546,1.543,1.541,1.539,1.537,1.534,1.532,1.529,1.525,1.528,1.542,1.567,1.600,1.640,1.689,1.746,1.801,1.848,1.890,1.929,1.960,1.982,1.997,2.000,2.010,2.020,2.040,2.070,2.110,2.150,2.225,2.481/)' Block: eps_water_stogryn In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_stogryn get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_stogryn Block: eps_water_tkc In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_tkc get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_tkc In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_tkc get_useparameters: no module constants info used by eps_water_tkc In: :pyPamtraLib:src/eps_water.f90:eps_water:eps_water_tkc get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on '(/8.169396d+01, 4.410555d-03, 1.208992d-13, 6.768869d+02,1.597733d+00, 1.060228d-02, 9.982113d-15, 5.720517d+02,1.351758d+02/)' Block: radar_hildebrand_sekhon In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90:radar_hildebrand_sekhon get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_hildebrand_sekhon In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90:radar_hildebrand_sekhon get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90:radar_hildebrand_sekhon:unknown_interface get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by unknown_interface In: :pyPamtraLib:src/radar_hildebrand_sekhon.f90:radar_hildebrand_sekhon:unknown_interface get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: dia2vel Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_foote69_rain In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_foote69_rain In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_pavlos_cloud In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_pavlos_cloud In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_metek_rain In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_metek_rain In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_rogers_drops In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_rogers_drops In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_rogers_graupel In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_rogers_graupel In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_power_law In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_power_law In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_power_law analyzevars: charselector={'len': '30'} unhandled. Block: dia2vel_corrected_power_law In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_corrected_power_law In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_atlas In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_atlas In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_atlas analyzevars: charselector={'len': '30'} unhandled. Block: dia2vel_corrected_atlas In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_corrected_atlas In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/dia2vel.f90:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: pypamtralib In: :pyPamtraLib:src/pyPamtraLib.f90:pypamtralib get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/pyPamtraLib.f90:pypamtralib get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by pypamtralib Block: run_pamtra In: :pyPamtraLib:src/pyPamtraLib.f90:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: :pyPamtraLib:src/pyPamtraLib.f90:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by run_pamtra In: :pyPamtraLib:src/pyPamtraLib.f90:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_useparameters: no module mod_io_strings info used by run_pamtra Post-processing (stage 2)... Block: pyPamtraLib Block: unknown_interface Block: report_module Block: report Block: assert_true Block: assert_false Block: vars_index Block: viscosity_air Block: kinematic_viscosity_air Block: convolution Block: convolution_slow Block: convolutionfft Block: deallocate_everything Block: do_deallocate_everything Block: vars_output Block: allocate_output_vars Block: deallocate_output_vars Block: vars_atmosphere Block: screen_input Block: allocate_atmosphere_vars Block: deallocate_atmosphere_vars Block: read_new_fill_variables Block: add_obs_height Block: read_classic_fill_variables Block: fillmissing_atmosphere_vars Block: print_out_layer Block: print_out_level Block: print_vars_atmosphere Block: settings Block: settings_read Block: test_settings Block: fillrealvalues Block: add_settings Block: settings_fill_default Block: print_settings Block: descriptor_file Block: read_descriptor_file Block: allocate_descriptor_file Block: process_descriptor_file Block: deallocate_descriptor_file Block: printdescriptorvars Block: vars_hydrofullspec Block: allocate_hydrofs_vars Block: deallocate_hydrofs_vars Block: print_hydrofs_vars Block: radar_moments Block: radar_calc_moments Block: eps_water Block: get_eps_water Block: eps_water_ellison Block: eps_water_liebe Block: eps_water_ray Block: eps_water_stogryn Block: eps_water_tkc Block: radar_hildebrand_sekhon Block: dia2vel Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops Block: dia2vel_foote69_rain Block: dia2vel_pavlos_cloud Block: dia2vel_metek_rain Block: dia2vel_rogers_drops Block: dia2vel_rogers_graupel Block: dia2vel_power_law Block: dia2vel_corrected_power_law Block: dia2vel_atlas Block: dia2vel_corrected_atlas Block: pypamtralib Block: run_pamtra Saving signatures to file "./src/pypamtralib.pyf" cd src/ && /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/bin/f2py -L/usr/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -llapack -Llib/ -L../lib/ -lblas -lz -lfftw3 -c --fcompiler=gnu95 ../src/pypamtralib.pyf kinds.o nan.o vars_index.o report_module.o rt_utilities.o settings.o constants.o zlib_stuff.o mod_fastem4_coef.o gasabs_module.o conversions.o descriptor_file.o vars_atmosphere.o vars_rt.o vars_hydroFullSpec.o mod_io_strings.o getopt.o parse_options.o radmat.o convolution.o get_gasabs.o vars_output.o azimuth_emissivity_module.o hyperbolic_step.o slope_variance.o reflection_correction_module.o large_scale_correction_module.o small_scale_correction_module.o foam_utility_module.o liu.o fresnel.o fastemx.o tessem2.o ocean_sfc_optics.o mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o telsem2.o land_sfc_optics.o sfc_optics.o sfc_matrices.o run_rt.o scat_utilities.o mpm93.o eps_water.o mie_scat_utilities.o mie_spheres.o scatdb.o dda_db_liu.o dda_db_hong.o hongdb.o dia2vel.o rescale_spectra.o radar_moments.o radar_spectrum.o radar_spectral_broadening.o radar_simulator.o rosen98_gasabs.o surface.o eps_ice.o eps_mix.o equcom.o land_emis_ssmi.o equare.o ref_water.o ref_ice.o e_sat_gg_water.o interpolation.o collect_output.o save_active.o random.o rt4.o radtran4.o radintg4.o radscat4.o drop_size_dist.o make_dist.o make_dist_param.o make_mass_size.o calc_moment.o make_soft_spheroid.o check_print.o tmatrix.o rayleigh_gans.o scatProperties.o hydrometeor_extinction.o scatcnv.o tmatrix_lpq.o get_scat_mat.o refractive_index.o dsort.o rho_air.o viscosity_air.o versionNumber.auto.o smooth_savitzky_golay.o radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o tmatrix_amplq.lp.o deallocate_everything.o ../src/pyPamtraLib.f90 Reading .f2py_f2cmap ... Mapping "real(kind=sgl)" to "float" Mapping "real(kind=dbl)" to "double" Mapping "integer(kind=long_bn)" to "int" Mapping "integer(kind=long)" to "int" Mapping "complex(kind=sgl)" to "complex_float" Mapping "complex(kind=dbl)" to "complex_double" Successfully applied user defined changes from .f2py_f2cmap running build running config_cc unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --compiler options running config_fc unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler options running build_src build_src building extension "pyPamtraLib" sources creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src f2py options: [] f2py: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf Reading fortran codes... Reading file '../src/pypamtralib.pyf' (format:free) Post-processing... Block: pyPamtraLib Block: report_module In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by report_module In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by report_module In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" analyzevars: charselector={'len': '7'} unhandled. Block: report In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:report get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by report In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:report get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by report Block: assert_true In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:assert_true get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by assert_true In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:assert_true get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by assert_true Block: assert_false In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:assert_false get_useparameters: no module vars_index info used by assert_false In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:report_module:assert_false get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by assert_false Block: vars_index In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_index get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_index Block: viscosity_air In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:viscosity_air get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:viscosity_air get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by viscosity_air Block: kinematic_viscosity_air In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:kinematic_viscosity_air get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:kinematic_viscosity_air get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by kinematic_viscosity_air Block: convolution In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:convolution get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:convolution get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolution In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:convolution get_useparameters: no module settings info used by convolution Block: convolution_slow In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:convolution_slow get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolution_slow Block: convolutionfft In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:convolutionfft get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by convolutionfft Block: deallocate_everything Block: do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_output info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_rt info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module drop_size_dist info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module scatproperties info used by do_deallocate_everything In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:deallocate_everything:do_deallocate_everything get_useparameters: no module vars_hydrofullspec info used by do_deallocate_everything Block: vars_output In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_output In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output get_useparameters: no module settings info used by vars_output Block: allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module mod_io_strings info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module nan info used by allocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:allocate_output_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" Block: deallocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module vars_atmosphere info used by deallocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_output_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_output:deallocate_output_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by deallocate_output_vars Block: vars_atmosphere In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_atmosphere In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module settings info used by vars_atmosphere analyzevars: charselector={'len': '4'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '4'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '1'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled. Block: screen_input In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by screen_input In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by screen_input In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:screen_input get_useparameters: no module settings info used by screen_input Block: allocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module nan info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:allocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by allocate_atmosphere_vars Block: deallocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:deallocate_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by deallocate_atmosphere_vars Block: read_new_fill_variables In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by read_new_fill_variables In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_new_fill_variables In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_new_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module settings info used by read_new_fill_variables Block: add_obs_height In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by add_obs_height In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module constants info used by add_obs_height In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:add_obs_height get_useparameters: no module settings info used by add_obs_height Block: read_classic_fill_variables In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_classic_fill_variables In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:read_classic_fill_variables get_useparameters: no module settings info used by read_classic_fill_variables Block: fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module descriptor_file info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module constants info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:fillmissing_atmosphere_vars get_useparameters: no module settings info used by fillmissing_atmosphere_vars Block: print_out_layer In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_out_layer In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_layer get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_out_layer Block: print_out_level In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_out_level In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_out_level get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_out_level Block: print_vars_atmosphere In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_vars_atmosphere In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_atmosphere:print_vars_atmosphere get_useparameters: no module settings info used by print_vars_atmosphere Block: settings In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings analyzevars: charselector={'len': '2'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '1'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '8'} unhandled. Block: settings_read In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:settings_read get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:settings_read get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings_read Block: test_settings In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:test_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:test_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by test_settings Block: fillrealvalues In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:fillrealvalues get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:fillrealvalues get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by fillrealvalues Block: add_settings In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:add_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:add_settings get_useparameters: no module rt_utilities info used by add_settings In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:add_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by add_settings Block: settings_fill_default In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:settings_fill_default get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:settings_fill_default get_useparameters: no module nan info used by settings_fill_default In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:settings_fill_default get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by settings_fill_default Block: print_settings In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:print_settings get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:settings:print_settings get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_settings Block: descriptor_file In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by descriptor_file get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '15'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '30'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '15'} unhandled.analyzevars: charselector={'len': '60'} unhandled. Block: read_descriptor_file In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:read_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:read_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by read_descriptor_file get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: allocate_descriptor_file In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:allocate_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:allocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: process_descriptor_file In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:process_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:process_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by process_descriptor_file get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: deallocate_descriptor_file In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:deallocate_descriptor_file get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:deallocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_descriptor_file get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: printdescriptorvars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:printdescriptorvars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:descriptor_file:printdescriptorvars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by printdescriptorvars get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'descriptor_file_name': 'descriptor_file_name'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: vars_hydrofullspec In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by vars_hydrofullspec Block: allocate_hydrofs_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:allocate_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:allocate_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by allocate_hydrofs_vars Block: deallocate_hydrofs_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:deallocate_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:deallocate_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by deallocate_hydrofs_vars Block: print_hydrofs_vars In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:print_hydrofs_vars get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:vars_hydrofullspec:print_hydrofs_vars get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by print_hydrofs_vars Block: radar_moments In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_moments In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments get_useparameters: no module constants info used by radar_moments get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'radar_max_v': 'radar_max_v', 'radar_min_v': 'radar_min_v', 'radar_peak_min_bins': 'radar_peak_min_bins', 'radar_peak_snr_definition': 'radar_peak_snr_definition', 'radar_smooth_spectrum': 'radar_smooth_spectrum', 'radar_no_ave': 'radar_no_ave', 'radar_use_wider_peak': 'radar_use_wider_peak', 'radar_peak_min_snr': 'radar_peak_min_snr'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: radar_calc_moments In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_calc_moments In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_moments:radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: no module constants info used by radar_calc_moments get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'radar_max_v': 'radar_max_v', 'radar_min_v': 'radar_min_v', 'radar_peak_min_bins': 'radar_peak_min_bins', 'radar_peak_snr_definition': 'radar_peak_snr_definition', 'radar_smooth_spectrum': 'radar_smooth_spectrum', 'radar_no_ave': 'radar_no_ave', 'radar_use_wider_peak': 'radar_use_wider_peak', 'radar_peak_min_snr': 'radar_peak_min_snr'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: eps_water In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water Block: get_eps_water In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:get_eps_water get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:get_eps_water get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by get_eps_water get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'liq_mod': 'liq_mod'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: eps_water_ellison In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_ellison get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_ellison Block: eps_water_liebe In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_liebe get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_liebe Block: eps_water_ray In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_ray get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_ray Block: eps_water_stogryn In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_stogryn get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_stogryn Block: eps_water_tkc In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_tkc get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by eps_water_tkc In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:eps_water:eps_water_tkc get_useparameters: no module constants info used by eps_water_tkc Block: radar_hildebrand_sekhon In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_hildebrand_sekhon get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:radar_hildebrand_sekhon get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by radar_hildebrand_sekhon Block: dia2vel Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_foote69_rain In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_foote69_rain In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_foote69_rain get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_pavlos_cloud In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_pavlos_cloud In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_pavlos_cloud get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_metek_rain In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_metek_rain In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_metek_rain get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_rogers_drops In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_rogers_drops In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_rogers_drops get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_rogers_graupel In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_rogers_graupel In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_rogers_graupel get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_power_law In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_power_law In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_power_law get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_power_law Block: dia2vel_corrected_power_law In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_corrected_power_law In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_corrected_power_law get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: dia2vel_atlas In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_atlas In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_atlas get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_atlas Block: dia2vel_corrected_atlas In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by dia2vel_corrected_atlas In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:dia2vel:dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: no module constants info used by dia2vel_corrected_atlas get_useparameters: mapping for {'map': {'verbose': 'verbose'}, 'only': 1} not impl. Block: pypamtralib In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:pypamtralib get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:pypamtralib get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by pypamtralib Block: run_pamtra In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_parameters: got "invalid syntax (, line 1)" on "(/'success','warning','fatal','info'/)" In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_useparameters: no module kinds info used by run_pamtra In: ../src/pypamtralib.pyf:pyPamtraLib:unknown_interface:pypamtralib:run_pamtra get_useparameters: no module mod_io_strings info used by run_pamtra Post-processing (stage 2)... Block: pyPamtraLib Block: unknown_interface Block: report_module Block: report Block: assert_true Block: assert_false Block: vars_index Block: viscosity_air Block: kinematic_viscosity_air Block: convolution Block: convolution_slow Block: convolutionfft Block: deallocate_everything Block: do_deallocate_everything Block: vars_output Block: allocate_output_vars Block: deallocate_output_vars Block: vars_atmosphere Block: screen_input Block: allocate_atmosphere_vars Block: deallocate_atmosphere_vars Block: read_new_fill_variables Block: add_obs_height Block: read_classic_fill_variables Block: fillmissing_atmosphere_vars Block: print_out_layer Block: print_out_level Block: print_vars_atmosphere Block: settings Block: settings_read Block: test_settings Block: fillrealvalues Block: add_settings Block: settings_fill_default Block: print_settings Block: descriptor_file Block: read_descriptor_file Block: allocate_descriptor_file Block: process_descriptor_file Block: deallocate_descriptor_file Block: printdescriptorvars Block: vars_hydrofullspec Block: allocate_hydrofs_vars Block: deallocate_hydrofs_vars Block: print_hydrofs_vars Block: radar_moments Block: radar_calc_moments Block: eps_water Block: get_eps_water Block: eps_water_ellison Block: eps_water_liebe Block: eps_water_ray Block: eps_water_stogryn Block: eps_water_tkc Block: radar_hildebrand_sekhon Block: dia2vel Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as Block: dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres Block: dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops Block: dia2vel_foote69_rain Block: dia2vel_pavlos_cloud Block: dia2vel_metek_rain Block: dia2vel_rogers_drops Block: dia2vel_rogers_graupel Block: dia2vel_power_law Block: dia2vel_corrected_power_law Block: dia2vel_atlas Block: dia2vel_corrected_atlas Block: pypamtralib Block: run_pamtra Building modules... Building module "pyPamtraLib"... Constructing wrapper function "viscosity_air"... eta = viscosity_air(t) Constructing wrapper function "kinematic_viscosity_air"... mu = kinematic_viscosity_air(temp,press) Constructing wrapper function "convolution"... errorstatus,y = convolution(x,a,[m,n]) Constructing wrapper function "convolution_slow"... y = convolution_slow(x,a,[m,n]) Constructing wrapper function "convolutionfft"... yout = convolutionfft(xin,ain,[m,n]) Constructing wrapper function "radar_hildebrand_sekhon"... errorstatus,noise_mean,noise_max = radar_hildebrand_sekhon(spectrum,n_ave,[n_ffts]) Constructing F90 module support for "report_module"... Variables: info nstatus verbose success status_text fatal warning Constructing wrapper function "report_module.report"... report(status,message,nameofroutine) Constructing wrapper function "report_module.assert_true"... assert_true(error,logic,message) Constructing wrapper function "report_module.assert_false"... assert_false(error,logic,message) Constructing F90 module support for "vars_index"... Variables: i_n i_z i_y i_h i_f i_x i_p Constructing F90 module support for "deallocate_everything"... Constructing wrapper function "deallocate_everything.do_deallocate_everything"... errorstatus = do_deallocate_everything() Constructing F90 module support for "vars_output"... Variables: out_radar_edges out_scatter_matrix out_debug_radarvel out_psd_deltad out_radar_vel out_att_hydro out_psd_bscat out_radar_slopes out_radar_moments out_debug_radarback_wturb_wnoise out_tb out_radar_hgt out_angles_deg out_ze out_debug_back_of_d out_kextatmo out_debug_radarback_wturb out_psd_area out_radar_snr out_debug_diameter out_emissivity out_radar_quality out_psd_mass out_psd_d out_radar_spectra out_extinct_matrix out_emis_vector out_debug_radarback out_att_atmo out_psd_n getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' Constructing wrapper function "vars_output.allocate_output_vars"... errorstatus = allocate_output_vars(no_allocated_lyrs) Constructing wrapper function "vars_output.deallocate_output_vars"... deallocate_output_vars() Constructing F90 module support for "vars_atmosphere"... Variables: atmo_unixtime atmo_hgt atmo_time atmo_temp_lev atmo_wind_uv atmo_press_lev atmo_hgt_lev atmo_obs_height atmo_airturb sfc_type atmo_year atmo_relhum_lev atmo_lat atmo_hydro_reff atmo_temp atmo_ngridy atmo_ngridx atmo_groundtemp atmo_hydro_reff_column cwp atmo_radar_prop atmo_wind_w atmo_delta_hgt_lev atmo_iwv atmo_model_i atmo_model_j atmo_lon gwp swp atmo_hydro_q_column atmo_rho_vap atmo_input_type atmo_hydro_n_column atmo_month rwp atmo_q_hum atmo_relhum sfc_refl atmo_nlyrs iwp atmo_max_nlyrs hwp atmo_wind10u atmo_wind10v atmo_hydro_n atmo_day sfc_model sfc_salinity atmo_press sfc_sif sfc_slf atmo_hydro_q atmo_turb_edr atmo_vapor_pressure getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.screen_input"... errorstatus = screen_input() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.allocate_atmosphere_vars"... errorstatus = allocate_atmosphere_vars() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.deallocate_atmosphere_vars"... deallocate_atmosphere_vars() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.read_new_fill_variables"... errorstatus = read_new_fill_variables() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.add_obs_height"... errorstatus = add_obs_height() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.read_classic_fill_variables"... errorstatus = read_classic_fill_variables() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.fillmissing_atmosphere_vars"... errorstatus = fillmissing_atmosphere_vars() Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.print_out_layer"... print_out_layer(i,j) Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.print_out_level"... print_out_level(i,j) Constructing wrapper function "vars_atmosphere.print_vars_atmosphere"... print_vars_atmosphere() Constructing F90 module support for "settings"... Variables: mu_values radar_nfft tmatrix_db radar_receiver_miscalibration_default radar_mode radar_aliasing_nyquist_interv nc_out_file frq_str_s missingreal maxv quad_weights maxnleg radar_airmotion hydro_softsphere_min_density radar_noise_distance_factor_default frq_str_e randomseed obs_height lphase_flag deltam lgas_extinction outpol radar_npol radar_min_v_default radar_peak_min_bins src_code passive radar_max_v_default hydro_threshold radar_pnoise0 radar_no_ave quad_type radar_k2 radar_npeaks radar_peak_min_snr_default hydro_limit_density_area add_obs_height_to_layer radar_airmotion_step_vmin radar_pol radar_no_ave_default radar_nfft_aliased att_pol radar_polarisation direct_mu radar_noise_distance_factor radar_pnoise0_default conserve_mass_rescale_dsd radar_save_noise_corrected_spectra hydro_includehydroinrhoair radar_airmotion_linear_steps freqs radar_attenuation radar_airmotion_vmax output_path noutlevels numazimuths freq_str file_desc radar_airmotion_vmin radar_receiver_miscalibration liq_mod radar_k2_default read_turbulence_ascii creator radar_airmotion_model hydro_adaptive_grid input_pathfile data_path tmatrix_db_path aziorder namelist_file nfrq lhyd_emission radar_fwhr_beamwidth_deg write_nc radar_integration_time_default nummu radar_min_v radar_peak_snr_definition radar_allow_negative_dd_du radar_peak_min_bins_default units gas_mod moments_file radar_receiver_uncertainty_std save_psd missingint nstokes att_npol radar_kolmogorov_constant input_file radar_use_hildebrand radar_convolution_fft radar_fwhr_beamwidth_deg_default descriptor_file_name active maxlay radar_max_v save_ssp radar_use_wider_peak frqs_str direct_flux lhyd_absorption in_python lhyd_scattering radar_receiver_uncertainty_std_default radar_smooth_spectrum maxfreq maxleg liblapack radar_peak_min_snr hydro_fullspec emissivity radar_integration_time Constructing wrapper function "settings.settings_read"... errorstatus = settings_read() Constructing wrapper function "settings.test_settings"... errorstatus = test_settings() Constructing wrapper function "settings.fillrealvalues"... fillrealvalues(setarray,default_bn) Constructing wrapper function "settings.add_settings"... errorstatus = add_settings() Constructing wrapper function "settings.settings_fill_default"... settings_fill_default() Constructing wrapper function "settings.print_settings"... print_settings() Constructing F90 module support for "descriptor_file"... Variables: a_ms_arr p_2_arr rho_ms_arr moment_in_arr as_ratio_arr hydro_name_str n_tot_arr n_hydro hydro_name_arr p_4_arr r_eff_arr b_ms_arr d_1_arr scat_name_str liq_ice_arr vel_size_mod_arr dist_name_arr canting_arr p_1_arr vel_size_mod_str beta_as_arr p_3_arr nbin_arr dist_name_str scat_name_arr q_h_arr d_2_arr alpha_as_arr getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' Constructing wrapper function "descriptor_file.read_descriptor_file"... errorstatus = read_descriptor_file() Constructing wrapper function "descriptor_file.allocate_descriptor_file"... errorstatus = allocate_descriptor_file() Constructing wrapper function "descriptor_file.process_descriptor_file"... process_descriptor_file() Constructing wrapper function "descriptor_file.deallocate_descriptor_file"... deallocate_descriptor_file() Constructing wrapper function "descriptor_file.printdescriptorvars"... printdescriptorvars() Constructing F90 module support for "vars_hydrofullspec"... Variables: hydrofs_area_ds hydrofs_nbins hydrofs_rg_zeta_ds hydrofs_d_bound_ds hydrofs_fallvelocity hydrofs_canting hydrofs_mass_ds hydrofs_rg_kappa_ds hydrofs_d_ds hydrofs_n_ds hydrofs_as_ratio hydrofs_rho_ds hydrofs_rg_gamma_ds hydrofs_rg_beta_ds getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of ':' Constructing wrapper function "vars_hydrofullspec.allocate_hydrofs_vars"... errorstatus = allocate_hydrofs_vars(nbins) Constructing wrapper function "vars_hydrofullspec.deallocate_hydrofs_vars"... deallocate_hydrofs_vars() Constructing wrapper function "vars_hydrofullspec.print_hydrofs_vars"... print_hydrofs_vars() Constructing F90 module support for "radar_moments"... Constructing wrapper function "radar_moments.radar_calc_moments"... errorstatus,radar_spectrum_out,moments,slope,edge,quality = radar_calc_moments(radar_npeaks,radar_spectrum_in,noise,noise_max,[radar_nfft]) Constructing F90 module support for "eps_water"... Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.get_eps_water"... errorstatus,eps_water = get_eps_water(s,t,f) Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.eps_water_ellison"... eps = eps_water_ellison(s,t,f) Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.eps_water_liebe"... eps = eps_water_liebe(s,t,f) Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.eps_water_ray"... eps = eps_water_ray(s,t,f) Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.eps_water_stogryn"... eps = eps_water_stogryn(s,t,f) Constructing wrapper function "eps_water.eps_water_tkc"... eps = eps_water_tkc(t,f) Constructing F90 module support for "dia2vel"... Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles_ms_as(diaspec_si,rho_air_si,nu_si,mass_size_a_si,mass_size_b,area_size_a_si,area_size_b,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_heymsfield10_particles(diaspec_si,rho_air_si,nu_si,mass,area,k,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_particles(diaspec_si,rho_air_si,nu_si,mass_si,area_si,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_khvorostyanov05_particles(diaspec_si,rho_air_si,nu_si,mass_si,area_si,rho_particle,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_spheres(diaspec,rho_air,my,rho_particle,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_khvorostyanov01_drops(diaspec,rho_air,my,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_foote69_rain"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_foote69_rain(diaspec,rho_air,temp,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_pavlos_cloud"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_pavlos_cloud(diaspec,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_metek_rain"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_metek_rain(diaspec,rho_air,temp,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_rogers_drops"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_rogers_drops(diaspec,rho_air,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_rogers_graupel"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_rogers_graupel(diaspec,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_power_law"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_power_law(diaspec,vel_size_mod,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_corrected_power_law"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_corrected_power_law(diaspec,rho_air,temp,vel_size_mod,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_atlas"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_atlas(mass,vel_size_mod,[ndia]) Constructing wrapper function "dia2vel.dia2vel_corrected_atlas"... errorstatus,velspec = dia2vel_corrected_atlas(mass,rho_air,temp,vel_size_mod,[ndia]) Constructing F90 module support for "pypamtralib"... Variables: gitversion githash Constructing wrapper function "pypamtralib.run_pamtra"... errorstatus = run_pamtra() Wrote C/API module "pyPamtraLib" to file "/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c" Fortran 90 wrappers are saved to "/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90" adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.c' to sources. adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src' to include_dirs. copying /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c -> /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src copying /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.h -> /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90' to sources. build_src: building npy-pkg config files running build_ext customize UnixCCompiler customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext customize Gnu95FCompiler Found executable /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/ncarcompilers/0.5.0/gnu/10.1.0/gfortran customize Gnu95FCompiler using build_ext building 'pyPamtraLib' extension compiling C sources C compiler: gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -fstack-protector -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -g -DNDEBUG -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -fstack-protector -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -g -DOPENSSL_LOAD_CONF -fwrapv -fPIC

creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src compile options: '-I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src -I/glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c' gcc: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c gcc: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.c In file included from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1822, from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:12, from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:4, from /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.h:13, from /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:16: /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:17:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " "#define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcp] 17 | #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " \ | ^~~ In file included from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1822, from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:12, from /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:4, from /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.h:13, from /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.c:2: /glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:17:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " "#define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcp] 17 | #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " \ | ^~~ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c: In function ‘f2py_setup_vars_output’: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6185:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6185 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_edges; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6186:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6186 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_scatter_matrix; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6187:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6187 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_debug_radarvel; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6188:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6188 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_deltad; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6189:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6189 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_vel; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6190:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6190 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_att_hydro; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6191:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6191 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_bscat; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6192:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6192 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_slopes; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6193:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6193 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_moments; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6194:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6194 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_debug_radarback_wturb_wnoise; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6195:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6195 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_tb; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6196:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6196 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_hgt; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6197:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6197 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_angles_deg; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6198:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6198 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_ze; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6200:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6200 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_kextatmo; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6201:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6201 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_debug_radarback_wturb; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6202:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6202 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_area; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6203:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6203 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_snr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6205:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6205 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_emissivity; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6206:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6206 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_quality; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6207:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6207 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_mass; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6208:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6208 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_d; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6209:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6209 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_radar_spectra; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6210:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6210 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_extinct_matrix; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6211:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6211 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_emis_vector; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6212:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6212 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_debug_radarback; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6213:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6213 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_att_atmo; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6214:39: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6214 | f2py_vars_output_def[i_f2py++].func = out_psd_n; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c: In function ‘f2py_setup_vars_atmosphere’: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6294:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6294 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_unixtime; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6295:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6295 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hgt; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6296:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6296 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_time; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6297:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6297 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_temp_lev; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6298:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6298 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_wind_uv; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6299:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6299 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_press_lev; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6300:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6300 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hgt_lev; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6301:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6301 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_obs_height; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6302:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6302 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_airturb; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6303:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6303 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_type; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6304:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6304 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_year; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6305:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6305 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_relhum_lev; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6306:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6306 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_lat; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6307:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6307 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_reff; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6308:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6308 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_temp; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6311:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6311 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_groundtemp; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6312:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6312 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_reff_column; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6314:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6314 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_radar_prop; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6315:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6315 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_wind_w; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6316:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6316 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_delta_hgt_lev; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6317:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6317 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_iwv; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6318:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6318 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_model_i; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6319:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6319 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_model_j; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6320:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6320 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_lon; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6323:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6323 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_q_column; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6324:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6324 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_rho_vap; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6326:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6326 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_n_column; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6327:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6327 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_month; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6329:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6329 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_q_hum; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6330:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6330 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_relhum; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6331:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6331 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_refl; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6332:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6332 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_nlyrs; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6336:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6336 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_wind10u; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6337:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6337 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_wind10v; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6338:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6338 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_n; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6339:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6339 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_day; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6340:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6340 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_model; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6341:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6341 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_salinity; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6342:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6342 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_press; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6343:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6343 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_sif; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6344:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6344 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = sfc_slf; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6345:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6345 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_hydro_q; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6346:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6346 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_turb_edr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6347:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6347 | f2py_vars_atmosphere_def[i_f2py++].func = atmo_vapor_pressure; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c: In function ‘f2py_setup_descriptor_file’: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6657:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6657 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = a_ms_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6658:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6658 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = p_2_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6659:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6659 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = rho_ms_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6660:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6660 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = moment_in_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6661:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6661 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = as_ratio_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6663:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6663 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = n_tot_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6665:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6665 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = hydro_name_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6666:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6666 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = p_4_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6667:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6667 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = r_eff_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6668:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6668 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = b_ms_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6669:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6669 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = d_1_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6671:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6671 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = liq_ice_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6672:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6672 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = vel_size_mod_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6673:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6673 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = dist_name_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6674:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6674 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = canting_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6675:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6675 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = p_1_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6677:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6677 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = beta_as_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6678:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6678 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = p_3_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6679:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6679 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = nbin_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6681:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6681 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = scat_name_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6682:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6682 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = q_h_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6683:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6683 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = d_2_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6684:43: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6684 | f2py_descriptor_file_def[i_f2py++].func = alpha_as_arr; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c: In function ‘f2py_setup_vars_hydrofullspec’: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6720:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6720 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_area_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6722:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6722 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_rg_zeta_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6723:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6723 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_d_bound_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6724:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6724 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_fallvelocity; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6725:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6725 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_canting; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6726:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6726 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_mass_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6727:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6727 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_rg_kappa_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6728:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6728 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_d_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6729:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6729 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_n_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6730:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6730 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_as_ratio; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6731:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6731 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_rho_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6732:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6732 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_rg_gamma_ds; | ^ /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:6733:46: warning: assignment to ‘f2py_init_func’ {aka ‘void ()(int , long int , void ()(char , long int ), int )’} from incompatible pointer type ‘void ()(int , int , void ()(char , int ), int )’ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 6733 | f2py_vars_hydrofullspec_def[i_f2py++].func = hydrofs_rg_beta_ds; | ^ At top level: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.c:185:12: warning: ‘f2py_size’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function] 185 | static int f2py_size(PyArrayObject* var, ...) | ^~~~~ compiling Fortran 90 module sources Fortran f77 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran f90 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran fix compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/pamtra creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/pamtra/src compile options: '-I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src -I/glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c' extra options: '-J/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/ -I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/' gfortran:f90: ../src/pyPamtraLib.f90 ../src/pyPamtraLib.f90:39:31:

39 | integer(kind=long) :: fi,i | 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘i’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] ../src/pyPamtraLib.f90:35:31:

35 | integer(kind=long) :: inarg | 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘inarg’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] compiling Fortran sources Fortran f77 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran f90 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran fix compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops compile options: '-I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src -I/glade/u/home/ephraims/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c' extra options: '-J/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/ -I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/' gfortran:f90: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90 /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_angles_deg’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_att_atmo’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_att_hydro’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_debug_radarback’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_debug_radarback_wturb’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_debug_radarback_wturb_wnoise’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_debug_radarvel’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_emis_vector’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_emissivity’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_extinct_matrix’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_kextatmo’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_area’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_bscat’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_d’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_deltad’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_mass’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_psd_n’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_edges’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_hgt’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_moments’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_quality’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_slopes’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_snr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_spectra’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_radar_vel’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_scatter_matrix’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_tb’ which has been explicitly imported at(1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:911:10:

911 | use vars_output, only : out_radar_edges | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘out_ze’ which has been explicitly imported at(1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_airturb’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_day’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_delta_hgt_lev’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_groundtemp’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hgt’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hgt_lev’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_n’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_n_column’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_q’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_q_column’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_reff’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_hydro_reff_column’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_iwv’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_lat’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_lon’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_model_i’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_model_j’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_month’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_nlyrs’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_obs_height’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_press’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_press_lev’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_q_hum’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_radar_prop’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_relhum’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_relhum_lev’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_rho_vap’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_temp’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_temp_lev’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_time’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_turb_edr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_unixtime’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_vapor_pressure’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_wind10u’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_wind10v’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_wind_uv’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_wind_w’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘atmo_year’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_model’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_refl’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_salinity’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_sif’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_slf’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:2364:10:

2364 | use vars_atmosphere, only : atmo_unixtime | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘sfc_type’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘a_ms_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘alpha_as_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘as_ratio_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘b_ms_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘beta_as_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘canting_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘d_1_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘d_2_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘dist_name_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydro_name_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘liq_ice_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘moment_in_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘n_tot_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘nbin_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘p_1_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘p_2_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘p_3_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘p_4_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘q_h_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘r_eff_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘rho_ms_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘scat_name_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3382:10:

3382 | use descriptor_file, only : a_ms_arr | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘vel_size_mod_arr’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_area_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_as_ratio’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_canting’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_d_bound_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_d_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_fallvelocity’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_mass_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_n_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_rg_beta_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_rg_gamma_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_rg_kappa_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_rg_zeta_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.f90:3864:10:

3864 | use vars_hydrofullspec, only : hydrofs_area_ds | 1 Warning: Unused module variable ‘hydrofs_rho_ds’ which has been explicitly imported at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/ncarcompilers/0.5.0/gnu/10.1.0/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -shared /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/pamtra/src/pyPamtraLib.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.o kinds.o nan.o vars_index.o report_module.o rt_utilities.o settings.o constants.o zlib_stuff.o mod_fastem4_coef.o gasabs_module.o conversions.o descriptor_file.o vars_atmosphere.o vars_rt.o vars_hydroFullSpec.o mod_io_strings.o getopt.o parse_options.o radmat.o convolution.o get_gasabs.o vars_output.o azimuth_emissivity_module.o hyperbolic_step.o slope_variance.o reflection_correction_module.o large_scale_correction_module.o small_scale_correction_module.o foam_utility_module.o liu.o fresnel.o fastemx.o tessem2.o ocean_sfc_optics.o mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o telsem2.o land_sfc_optics.o sfc_optics.o sfc_matrices.o run_rt.o scat_utilities.o mpm93.o eps_water.o mie_scat_utilities.o mie_spheres.o scatdb.o dda_db_liu.o dda_db_hong.o hongdb.o dia2vel.o rescale_spectra.o radar_moments.o radar_spectrum.o radar_spectral_broadening.o radar_simulator.o rosen98_gasabs.o surface.o eps_ice.o eps_mix.o equcom.o land_emis_ssmi.o equare.o ref_water.o ref_ice.o e_sat_gg_water.o interpolation.o collect_output.o save_active.o random.o rt4.o radtran4.o radintg4.o radscat4.o drop_size_dist.o make_dist.o make_dist_param.o make_mass_size.o calc_moment.o make_soft_spheroid.o check_print.o tmatrix.o rayleigh_gans.o scatProperties.o hydrometeor_extinction.o scatcnv.o tmatrix_lpq.o get_scat_mat.o refractive_index.o dsort.o rho_air.o viscosity_air.o versionNumber.auto.o smooth_savitzky_golay.o radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o tmatrix_amplq.lp.o deallocate_everything.o -L/usr/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -Llib/ -L../lib/ -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -L/usr/lib64 -llapack -lblas -lz -lfftw3 -lpython2.7 -lgfortran -o ./pyPamtraLib.so /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dgetrf.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dgetri.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dtrtri.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dgetrf2.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dtrti2.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/liblapack.a(dlamch.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/libblas.a(dgemv.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/libblas.a(dtrmv.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/libblas.a(dgemm.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/libblas.a(dtrmm.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: /glade/u/home/ephraims/usr/lib/libblas.a(dtrsm.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: nonrepresentable section on output collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status error: Command "/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/ncarcompilers/0.5.0/gnu/10.1.0/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -shared /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLibmodule.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/fortranobject.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/pamtra/src/pyPamtraLib.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmpBpOXdj/src/pyPamtraLib-f2pywrappers2.o kinds.o nan.o vars_index.o report_module.o rt_utilities.o settings.o constants.o zlib_stuff.o mod_fastem4_coef.o gasabs_module.o conversions.o descriptor_file.o vars_atmosphere.o vars_rt.o vars_hydroFullSpec.o mod_io_strings.o getopt.o parse_options.o radmat.o convolution.o get_gasabs.o vars_output.o azimuth_emissivity_module.o hyperbolic_step.o slope_variance.o reflection_correction_module.o large_scale_correction_module.o small_scale_correction_module.o foam_utility_module.o liu.o fresnel.o fastemx.o tessem2.o ocean_sfc_optics.o mod_mwatlas_nt_bin.o telsem2.o land_sfc_optics.o sfc_optics.o sfc_matrices.o run_rt.o scat_utilities.o mpm93.o eps_water.o mie_scat_utilities.o mie_spheres.o scatdb.o dda_db_liu.o dda_db_hong.o hongdb.o dia2vel.o rescale_spectra.o radar_moments.o radar_spectrum.o radar_spectral_broadening.o radar_simulator.o rosen98_gasabs.o surface.o eps_ice.o eps_mix.o equcom.o land_emis_ssmi.o equare.o ref_water.o ref_ice.o e_sat_gg_water.o interpolation.o collect_output.o save_active.o random.o rt4.o radtran4.o radintg4.o radscat4.o drop_size_dist.o make_dist.o make_dist_param.o make_mass_size.o calc_moment.o make_soft_spheroid.o check_print.o tmatrix.o rayleigh_gans.o scatProperties.o hydrometeor_extinction.o scatcnv.o tmatrix_lpq.o get_scat_mat.o refractive_index.o dsort.o rho_air.o viscosity_air.o versionNumber.auto.o smooth_savitzky_golay.o radar_hildebrand_sekhon.o tmatrix_amplq.lp.o deallocate_everything.o -L/usr/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib/ -Llib/ -L../lib/ -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -L/usr/lib64 -llapack -lblas -lz -lfftw3 -lpython2.7 -lgfortran -o ./pyPamtraLib.so" failed with exit status 1 Makefile:235: recipe for target 'python/pyPamtrapyPamtraLib.so' failed make: *** [python/pyPamtrapyPamtraLib.so] Error 1 ephraims@cheyenne6:~/pamtra>

jchylik commented 1 year ago

It seems that error log also give some suggestions

.... rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

Have you tried to add this compiler flag and recompile? Has it worked?

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam, thanks for the update. Some points:

  1. Cool that you moved to an HPC facility, but it would be useful for other users to know if the installation on the CentOS cluster was successful or not. Were you unable to install the required packages?
  2. It seems that the compiled static library is not good enough for the linker and a shared object is required. You can try recompiling BLAS as a shared library if you want. But honestly, I never recommend doing that when there are easier options: it seems that Cheyenne offers a module-based environment manager (link modules Cheyenne) there is netcdf, fftw3 and various implementations of BLAS and LAPACK. One option is to load openblas (this is the library we use on the Levante HPC system in Germany) and change the linker flags -lblas and -llapack with the unique flag -lopenblas as we did in this installation script (link to instructions for Levante)
  3. I am not really sure, but it seems that the default f2py on Cheyenne points to the python2.7 version of it. Technically pamtra still supports python2, but since py2 is deprecated we have stopped following it since a couple of years we do not have a fresh experience with that. You might want to switch to py3 sooner than later

Again, loading/installing libraries and prerequisites for software is usually very well done by sysadmins and HPC-user-support. I would suggest you to also ask them.

cheers, Davide

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Jan: From looking at the Makefile, it seems like that flag is already used. (I haven't changed anything in the Makefile) Is there somewhere else I'd need to add that flag?

Davide1: I did not pursue installing pamtra on the CentOS machine any further. I just started my PhD research, so I'm rapidly getting access to different computing resources simultaneously. Cheyenne has user support and documentation. Weather2 does not and my professor is helpful, but not a professional software engineer/tech support. Cheyenne is also much more powerful. So I switched my effort over to working in Cheyenne.

Davide2: I must have overlooked that the fftw library is available as a module. I can switch to using that, but, it seems like my current issues are in lapack and blas. While the link you sent shows that openblas is a possible module, the module avail command does not list it. I also just tried loading openblas and it says its not an available module. I can try installing the packages as a .so from scratch while I'm waiting for Cheyenne user support.

Davide3: Is that just because I haven't appended the "F2PY=f2py3" to the Makefile like your documentation gives as an option? I can do that.

I am in the user support queue on Cheyenne, but it is taking a while so I tried installing the libraries myself. Looks like I have several possible avenues to pursue solutions while I'm waiting.

Thanks, Sam

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

So apparently openblas is an available module when using gnu, but not when using intel. (When I ssh on Cheyenne, it defaults to intel) So it shows up for me as an available module after I switched. I'll try what you did on Levente.

jchylik commented 1 year ago

that flag is already used. (I haven't changed anything in the Makefile)

Oh, in that case it must be something else. Perhaps what was DaveOri saying:

  1. It seems that the compiled static library is not good enough for the linker and a shared object is required.

And just to check, since you are on Cheyenne now, have you module load the requested libraries before running the Makefile?

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I've been module loading the requested libraries before running the Makefile. And running make clean before running again after an error.

If you see the message I sent just before you sent this past one, it looks like I have a possible solution to work off of.

jchylik commented 1 year ago

see the message I sent just before you sent this past one

Oh, I see, so it keeps switching back to default compilers?

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

I was able to successfully install PAMTRA using the Levente instructions, I think!!

I haven't been able to fully been able to run "run_all_examples.py" yet though. There seems to be an issue with usStandard. I checked and py_usStandard is in my tools directory.

(test) ephraims@cheyenne4:~/pamtra/examples> python3 run_all_examples.py ############################################################ example_sensitivityToDensity.py ############################################################ /glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/pyPamtra/meteoSI.py:19: Warning: numexpr not available warnings.warn("numexpr not available", Warning) /glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/pyPamtra/importer.py:26: Warning: numexpr not available warnings.warn("numexpr not available", Warning) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/glade/u/home/ephraims/pamtra/examples/run_all_examples.py", line 12, in exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, 'exec')) File "example_sensitivityToDensity.py", line 7, in pam = pyPamtra.importer.createUsStandardProfile(pam,hgt_lev=[[1000,1100]]*10) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/pyPamtra/importer.py", line 3050, in createUsStandardProfile pamData = _createUsStandardProfile(**kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/pyPamtra/importer.py", line 3069, in _createUsStandardProfile import usStandard #see in tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/usStandard.py", line 10, in import usStandardAtmosphere ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_usStandardAtmosphere)

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam,

  1. Yes, it is typical that modules have dependencies, but that one was not easy to spot cause also in your first attempt the make command was invoking gcc and gfortran, so, somehow, the gnu compilers was available for use. Good job! Remember to load all the needed modules each time you want to run pamtra on Cheyenne (this means also on every batch script). If you wish to move to intel compilers, you will probably look for the mkl module to load blas and lapack functionalities, but I guess it was already enough to find this solution ;)
  2. The issue with usStandardAtmosphere is a challanging one. Can you please confirm that you have cloned the pamtra source with the --recursive flag as indicated in the instructions
  3. Can you post the result of ls /glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/ and also ls /glade/u/home/ephraims/lib/python/pyPamtra? I am just checking if the modules are actually compiled or some build error got lost in the well-deserved euphoria for a successful make command ;)
ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

I was also able to successfully run acloud-mirac_vs_icon-pamtra.ipynb. Is usStandardAtmosphere only used in a small collection of use cases?

  1. I think there is a way to save the collection of modules I have loaded so I don't have to manually change them on startup which I'll figure out

  2. Yeah, I'm almost certain I included the --recursive command, since I think I copy and pasted the whole command

  3. (test) ephraims@cheyenne4:~/lib/python> ls pycache pyPamtra radarMoments.py usStandardAtmosphere.so usStandard.py

(test) ephraims@cheyenne4:~/lib/python/pyPamtra> ls core.py init.py plot.py core.pyc init.pyc pycache descriptorFile.py libWrapper.py pyPamtraLib.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so fortranNamelist meteoSI.py pyPamtraLib.so importer.py pamtra.py tools.py

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam, thanks for the reply. The set of libraries seems ok and in the right location. Since, as far as I understand, the pyPamtra build is ok I would say that there is something specific with the build of usStandardAtmosphere. This is a submodule that is sourced from another repository and it seems that also this module is built, but for some reason, it does not work fine with the rest of the environment. It is ok to run pamtra without usStandardAtmosphere in most cases, but this module is also imported from within the pyPamtra module in some cases, which means that the same error might present itself also without you explicitly importing the module.

At the moment what I am suspecting is that not every environment variable and compiler flag you used for the main build is passed to the sub-build of usStandardAtmosphere.so. This is because for the pyPamtraLib there is a cpython (for python3.11) version of the .so which is copied by the Makefile into a pyPamtraLib.so, while the usStandardAtmosphere.so is the unique version of it, I am feeling like it might be a reminder of the previous compilation with py2.7. some debugging hints:

  1. Check that the 2 version of the pyPamtraLib are actually the same. You can lazy do that by ~/lib/python/pyPamtra> ls -l *.so if the creation datetime of them is the same and matches the one you were compiling pamtra we should be good. You can also check if usStandardAtmosphere.so library has been created roughly at the same time as the others with ls -l, I just want to make sure this has not been copy-pasted from somewhere else and somehow it avoided the make clean command.
  2. I see that now you seem to work within a virtual environment (test), is this a python environment (like virtualenv or conda) or an identifier of your module-loaded setup? I assume you compiled and now you execute from within this environment. Beware that in the past we had problems with conda environments, not sure what is the situation now.
  3. We can try to catch the differences by compiling the usStandardAtmosphere module again. For this you would need to go to pamtra/tools/py_usStandard/ source folder. Typemake clean to delete the local copy of usStandardAtmosphere.so. Now go back to the main pamtra folder, and type make py_usStandard, when you do that, be sure to use all the options you used for the main make command before, then paste here the output of the this make command and check again the content of tools/py_usStandard/ to see what you got as shared library.
ephraims28 commented 1 year ago
  1. The versions have the same time
  2. I was working in a conda environment, but I just tried a virtualenv and had the same problem
  3. I tried this, but I noticed in the makefile, it seems to not be using python3. In the original Makefile, I added "F2PY=f2py3" to make and make pyInstall per the documentation. I did not append that to make pyUSStandard. Could that be it? Below is the Makefile in the pyUSStandard folder.

Thank you so much for all the help you both have provided!

F2PY := $(shell which f2py2.7 || echo f2py) #on newer Ubuntu systems, only f2py2.7 is available

all: usStandardAtmosphere.so

usStandardAtmosphere.so: usStandard.f90 $(F2PY) -c --fcompiler=gnu95 usStandardAtmosphere.pyf usStandard.f90

install: usStandardAtmosphere.so cp .py ~/lib/python/ cp .so ~/lib/python/

clean: -rm *.so ~

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Hi Sam, Perhaps I was not clear enough. I do not need to know the Makefile content but the output of the make command. Please follow the instructions on point 3 to run make on the submodule usStandardAtmosphere alone. You can override the F2PY variable by doing make F2PY=f2py3 And please do not change environment, otherwise we cannot understand what is happening

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Here is the output of the make command. The same error happened when running run_all_examples.py after doing this

(test) ephraims@cheyenne6:~/pamtra/tools/py_usStandard> make clean rm *.so (test) ephraims@cheyenne6:~/pamtra/tools/py_usStandard> make F2PY=f2py3 f2py3 -c --fcompiler=gnu95 usStandardAtmosphere.pyf usStandard.f90 running build running config_cc INFO: unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --compiler options running config_fc INFO: unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands --fcompiler options running build_src INFO: build_src INFO: building extension "usStandardAtmosphere" sources creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 INFO: f2py options: [] INFO: f2py: usStandardAtmosphere.pyf Reading fortran codes... Reading file 'usStandardAtmosphere.pyf' (format:free) Post-processing... Block: usStandardAtmosphere Block: atmosphere Applying post-processing hooks... character_backward_compatibility_hook Post-processing (stage 2)... Building modules... Building module "usStandardAtmosphere"... Generating possibly empty wrappers" Maybe empty "usStandardAtmosphere-f2pywrappers.f" Constructing wrapper function "atmosphere"... sigma,delta,theta = atmosphere(alt) Wrote C/API module "usStandardAtmosphere" to file "/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmospheremodule.c" INFO: adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/fortranobject.c' to sources. INFO: adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11' to include_dirs. copying /glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.c -> /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 copying /glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/src/fortranobject.h -> /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 INFO: adding '/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmosphere-f2pywrappers.f' to sources. INFO: build_src: building npy-pkg config files /glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cmd.py:66: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. !!

    Please avoid running ``setup.py`` directly.
    Instead, use pypa/build, pypa/installer, pypa/build or
    other standards-based tools.

    See https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2021/10/setup-py-deprecated.html for details.

!! self.initialize_options() running build_ext INFO: customize UnixCCompiler INFO: customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext INFO: customize Gnu95FCompiler INFO: Found executable /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/ncarcompilers/0.5.0/gnu/10.1.0/gfortran INFO: customize Gnu95FCompiler using build_ext INFO: building 'usStandardAtmosphere' extension INFO: compiling C sources INFO: C compiler: gcc -DNDEBUG -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -fPIC -O2 -isystem /glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/include -fPIC -O2 -isystem /glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/include -fPIC

creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13 creating /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 INFO: compile options: '-DNPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION=1 -I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 -I/glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/include/python3.11 -c' INFO: gcc: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmospheremodule.c INFO: gcc: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/fortranobject.c INFO: compiling Fortran sources INFO: Fortran f77 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran f90 compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops Fortran fix compiler: gfortran -Wall -g -ffixed-form -fno-second-underscore -Wall -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -O3 -funroll-loops INFO: compile options: '-I/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11 -I/glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/glade/work/ephraims/conda-envs/test/include/python3.11 -c' INFO: gfortran:f90: usStandard.f90 INFO: gfortran:f77: /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmosphere-f2pywrappers.f INFO: /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/ncarcompilers/0.5.0/gnu/10.1.0/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -shared /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmospheremodule.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/fortranobject.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/usStandard.o /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13/src.linux-x86_64-3.11/usStandardAtmosphere-f2pywrappers.o -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -L/glade/u/apps/ch/opt/gnu/10.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64 -lgfortran -o ./usStandardAtmosphere.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so Removing build directory /glade/scratch/ephraims/tmp8fhfrq13

DaveOri commented 1 year ago

Very good. It was not yet the time to run the examples, but it seems you now have a usStandardAtmosphere.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so in the pamtra/tools/py_usStandard/ folder. now from the same folder run make install this should copy your newly created shared library in your$HOME/lib/python/folder. You can also check this.

It is now time to try running the example

fingers crossed

ephraims28 commented 1 year ago

Looks like everything ran successfully now! Thank you so much!!!