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idea2016 compile error and warning don't show in the error informations #751

Open archyaion opened 8 years ago

archyaion commented 8 years ago

Hello, everybody, who can help me? When I use the tool to compile, and will not be in my code error messages displayed.the messages panel give me that: Information:erlc: e:/test/game_lib.erl:484: Warning: random:uniform/0: the 'random' module is deprecated; use the 'rand' module instead Information:erlc: e:/test/test_db.erl:47: syntax error before: 'case' Information:erlc: e:/test/test_db.erl:10: function marching/3 undefined Information:erlc: e:/test/test_db.erl:39: spec for undefined function marching/3 doesn't like de idea14 ,It will interrupt the compilation, and the warning and error classification will be displayed like that: C:\test\common\common_tool.erl Warning:(2043, -1) erlc: function actor_error/4 is unused C:\test\map\mod\mod_gm.erl Error:(106, -1) erlc: syntax error before: 'case' Error:(76, -1) erlc: function accept_mission/2 undefined

Warnings and errors will show clearly,and are displayed in the error and will not be displayed in the informations. where i was setting wrong??? who can help me? thanks.

deadok22 commented 8 years ago

Hi @archyaion,

Apparently, there's a problem with how we try to parse compiler output. Could you please compile your project via command line and share the output? (Please, use the same command the plugin uses - it should be shown as the first compiler message)

Thank you

deadok22 commented 8 years ago

@archyaion, please let me know if this build works for you: https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/repository/download/IntellijIdeaPlugins_IntellijErlang_Tests/826623:id/Erlang-0.8.897.zip

archyaion commented 8 years ago

@deadok22 Thank you very much. I will give you a reply tomorrow. Thank you again.

archyaion commented 8 years ago

@deadok22 Has just been tested, warning and error to the normal classification, there is also a suggestion that the information can be ignored in the compilation process does not show? In addition, I encountered another problem in the compilation process, if I do not update the module, the use of re compile time will not generate beam files,just delete the beam,don't create the new beam; and the use of rebuild will be some modules will not be compiled sometimes..

the informations will show all of the modules I need to compile the specific path after Information:erlc: "C:\Program Files\erl8.0\bin\erlc.exe" -pa E:...\game.ebin -pa /int +debug_info -I E:...\game\include -I E:...\game_app\include -I E:...\game_bi\include -I E:...\game_cash\include -I E:...\game_center\include -I ..................E:...\game_test\src\function\test_garray.erl E:...\game\src\lib\uid_lib.erl E:...\game_gm\src\gm_active\gm_active_port.erl E:...\game\src\broadcast\broadcast_event.erl E:...\game_bi\src\collect\bi_gm_collect.erl just like that can ignore??