igneous-labs / omnispace

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BUG: Chat bubbles from the other person don't show if you're private chatting with them on Telegram #41

Open fplord opened 1 year ago

fplord commented 1 year ago

This is a pretty tough one.

When you're in a private chat with another Telegram user, both users receive each others' replies, but neither user can see each other's message as bubbles.

E.g. @fp:melchior.info is messaging @lieu:melchior.info on the FP <> Lieu (Telegram) private chat. Messages are successfully exchanged but on fp's side, lieu's incoming messages will not show as bubbles and vice versa.

why this happens: Due to how matrix bridges work, you're not actually talking to lieu, you're talking to a Telegram bridge bot, which in FP's case is @telegram_46353772:melchior.info, and in lieu's case is @telegram_235047014:melchior.info. (You can check by console.logging matrixUserId in gameCommOnMatrixMsg. These telegram bridge bots obviously don't exist in the game world and don't correspond to @lieu or @fp, so the bubbles don't show up.

@f8122dac91 think need your help here. Is there a mapping between all such telegram bridge bots (there are N for each user) and the user?

f8122dac91 commented 1 year ago

Yeah this seems to be a quite tough problem to solve. I can't find any easily accessible mapping between these two types of user handle. I'll do some digging in bridge projects themselves