We are focusing on the deployment of an initial set of "core" apps. These apps are designed to lay a foundation for the Ignite Apps offering and its plugin system, integrating essential functionalities, developer utilities, and implementations of key SDK modules.
Acceptance Criteria:
[x] Cosmwasm - Enables the use of Cosmwasm to build interoperable smart contracts.
[ ] Automated Testing and Benchmarking Tool - Enables developers to conduct comprehensive tests and performance evaluations of their applications.
[ ] Simulation Environments - Offers a controlled setting for developers to test applications and business logic and under various conditions for validation and optimization.
[ ] Rollkit
Expected Outcomes:
Each core app must be fully integrated with Ignite CLI, with its own dedicated sub-directory and documentation.
Documentation for each app should include installation instructions, usage guides, and examples.
Automated tests for each app must be implemented to ensure functionality and compatibility.
We are focusing on the deployment of an initial set of "core" apps. These apps are designed to lay a foundation for the Ignite Apps offering and its plugin system, integrating essential functionalities, developer utilities, and implementations of key SDK modules.
Acceptance Criteria:
Expected Outcomes: