ignite / cli-plugin-network

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feat: add request verification on send #7

Closed lumtis closed 1 year ago

lumtis commented 1 year ago

Close https://github.com/ignite/cli/issues/3257

Add the verification logic for requests when they are sent in addition to approve.

For this some refactoring have been done:


Try to join the chain as a coordinator with a gentx with an invalid signature (it used to work)

ignite network chain join 10 --amount 95000000stake
? Peer's address ...
Source code fetched
Blockchain set up
Source code fetched
Blockchain set up
Requests format verified
Blockchain initialized
Genesis initialized
Genesis built
✘ The chain failed to start
tbruyelle commented 1 year ago

Try to join the chain as a coordinator with a gentx with an invalid signature (it used to work)

Sorry but how to use an invalid signature ^^' ?

lumtis commented 1 year ago

Try to join the chain as a coordinator with a gentx with an invalid signature (it used to work)

Sorry but how to use an invalid signature ^^' ?

By opening the gentx file generated from the init command and manually modifying data in the signatures field

tbruyelle commented 1 year ago

@lubtd What I did so far :

With the main version:

ignite network chain init 10

Alter gentx signature in $HOME/spn/10/config/gentx/gentx.json




-      "mn2D051PW7l7vXLOxFbzmWjbnZ6p/dDBhTlxi0RmZQMUDBO0fyYWyyvfL5EWeV+CJEaOXOV/rvxU+Sk8iQwX0A=="
+      "mn2D051PW7l7vXLOxFbzmWjbnZ6p/dDBhTlxi0RmZQMUDBO0fyYWyyvfL5EWeV+CJEaOXOV/rvxU+Sk8iQwX0B=="

Run ignite network chain join 10 --amount 95000000stake, as expected it worked because it's the main version. Then I rejected these requests.

Changed my .ignite/plugins/plugins.yml :

-- path: github.com/ignite/cli-plugin-network@main
+- path: github.com/ignite/cli-plugin-network@feat/request-verification

Run ignite network chain join 10 --amount 95000000stake again, and it also worked, despite the bad signature. Not sure if I did something wrong.

lumtis commented 1 year ago

@tbruyelle can't reproduce

The command fails with the change:

tbruyelle commented 1 year ago

@lubtd OK I have also a panic "signature verification failed" if I replace the A with a Q (and that doesn't happen with main).

I'm just wondering why that doesn't happen if I replace the A with a B :thinking:

lumtis commented 1 year ago

When I replace the Q by a R (following letter) this is also working. This is very strange

I try to see if this a normal part of the signature since the failing example shows it goes into the same workflow that tries to initialize the genesis and therefore verifies the signatures

lumtis commented 1 year ago

@tbruyelle what about creating a separate issue to investigate this? At this point it's the appd start command that works with a modified signature

tbruyelle commented 1 year ago

At this point it's the appd start command that works with a modified signature

so you mean the issue should be created in the CLI?

aljo242 commented 1 year ago

Will approve once new issue is opened

lumtis commented 1 year ago

so you mean the issue should be created in the CLI?

No, the logic that verifies transaction signature in the SDK, since a gentx is a regular Cosmos tx

lumtis commented 1 year ago

Will approve once new issue is opened
