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Ignite generate openapi inconsistencies with pagination.reverse #3465

Closed jcompagni10 closed 11 months ago

jcompagni10 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When running ignite generate openapi the resulting openapi.yml sometimes removes the pagination.reverse field from some queries

-        - name: pagination.reverse
-          description: >-
-            reverse is set to true if results are to be returned in the
-            descending order.
-            Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
-          in: query
-          required: false
-          type: boolean

This error seems to be very unpredictable. Sometimes the pagination.reverse field is included, and sometimes it's removed. I cannot find any way to consistently replicate the bug.

To reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. run ignite generate openapi
  2. Make small changes to .proto files, repeat
  3. Eventually ignite generates an openapi.yml with the field missing

What version are you using? Error has occurred on both v0.23.0 and v0.25.2


go 1.18

require (
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jeronimoalbi commented 1 year ago

I was not able to replicate the issue.

The field reverse comes from the PageRequest message type defined in cosmos/base/query/v1beta1/pagination.proto and it should be available when the type is used within a protobuf message definition, for example:

import "cosmos/base/query/v1beta1/pagination.proto";

service Query {
  rpc Params(QueryCustomRequest) returns (QueryCustomResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/demo/demo/custom";

message QueryCustomRequest {
  // This should result in a "pagination.reverse" field
  // when Cosmos SDK >= v0.43 is used
  cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 1; // <--

message QueryCustomResponse {
  string foo = 1;
  cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 2; // <--

Adding the PageRequest should result in protoc_gen_openapiv2 generating the corresponding OpenAPI definition for the query parameters used for paging.

@jcompagni10 maybe you can try to run the generation using the clear cache flag:

ignite generate openapi --clear-cache
teddyknox commented 1 year ago

Hi @jeronimoalbi, --clear-cache does not improve the issue unfortunately. Since this behavior is non-deterministic across several developers at Duality we feel confident it's a real issue. Try checking out revision 86369dc12bd687d5878c9a3cf693605bcc6cadc4 from https://github.com/duality-labs/duality, running ignite generate openapi (either with or without --clear-cache), and commiting the changes before repeating again.

teddyknox commented 1 year ago

This change has forced us to manually decide when to update update the openapi.yml since, it's difficult to ascertain programmatically when it's out of date.

Pantani commented 11 months ago

@teddyknox, which ignite and os version are you using?

Pantani commented 11 months ago

can you run ignite version?