igor-tkachev / bltoolkit

Business Logic Toolkit for .NET
MIT License
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(Request) Event after LINQ materialization #404

Open Ravenheart opened 6 years ago

Ravenheart commented 6 years ago


We are using BLToolkit extensively in our application and would like a new feature.

Can you please add an event to the LINQ part of the library whenever the resultset is fully materialized. We need to know when a LINQ operation is complete.

Our goal is to get an event when any DB operation is complete and then we will decide if we want to dispose the connection or not.

Thank you.

jogibear9988 commented 6 years ago

I don‘t think anyone will implement this, bltoolkit is replaced with linq2db!

And when you add ToList add the end of your query, when this command returns, everything is materialized...

Ravenheart commented 6 years ago

We've rooted BLToolkit pretty deep in our project, the migration to linq2db is not gonna be easy.

We have our own wrapper around DbManager and need to know when a query has completed in order to run more stuff AFTER that, I know that .ToList materializes the data but that does me no good in this case.