igorbrigadir / twitter-history

Tracking significant changes to the Twitter API or platform as a whole
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Entries from Twitter Dev Docs #5

Closed igorbrigadir closed 5 years ago

igorbrigadir commented 5 years ago


GNIP / Premium Timelines:

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igorbrigadir commented 5 years ago

Entries from: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/data-dictionary/guides/tweet-timeline

2006-10-??,@replies becomes a convention.
2006-10-??,$cashtags first emerge, but using for stock ticker mentions does not become common until early 2009. $Cashtags became a clickable/searchable link in June 2012.
2006-11-??,Favorites introduced.
2007-01-??,@replies become a first-class object with a UI reply button with in_reply_to metadata.
2007-04-??,Retweets become a convention.
2007-08-??,#hashtags emerge as a primary tool for searching and organizing Tweets.
2009-02-??,$cashtags become a common convention for discussing stock ticker symbols.
2009-05-??,Retweet ‘beta’ is introduced with “Via @” prepended to Tweet body.
2009-06-??,Verified accounts introduced.
2009-08-??,Retweets a first-class object with “RT @” pattern and new retweet_status metadata.
2009-10-??,List feature launched.
2009-11-??,Tweet Geotagging API is launched, providing the first method for users to share location via third-party apps.
2010-06-??,Twitter Places introduced for geo-tagging Tweets.
2010-08-??,Tweet button for websites is launched. Made sharing links easier.
2011-05-??,Follow button introduced, making it easier to follow accounts associated with websites.
2011-08-??,Native photos introduced.
2012-06-??,$Cashtags become a clickable/searchable link.
2014-03-??,Photo tagging and up to four photos supported. Extended Twitter Entities metadata was introduced.
2014-04-??,Emojis are natively supported in Twitter UI. Emojis were commonly used in Tweets since at least 2008.
2015-04-??,A change in Twitter’s ‘post Tweet’ user-interface design results in fewer Tweets being geo-tagged.
2015-10-??,Twitter Polls introduced. Polls originally supported two choices with a 24-hour voting period. In November, Polls started supporting four choices with voting periods from 5 minutes to seven days. Poll metadata made available (enriched native format only) in February 2017.
2016-02-??,Searchable GIFs natively hosted in Tweet compose.
2016-05-??,“Doing More with 140” (dmw140) announced, stating plans for new ways of handling Replies and attached media with respect to a Tweet’s 140-character message.
2016-06-??,Native video support
2016-06-??,Quoted Retweets generally available.
2016-06-??,Stickers introduced for adding to photos.
2016-09-??,‘Native attachments’ introduced with trailing URL not counted towards 140 characters (“dmw140, part 1”).
2017-02-??,Twitter Poll metadata included in Tweet metadata (enriched native format only).
2017-04-??,‘Simplified Replies’ introduced with replied-to-accounts not counted towards 140 characters (“dmw140, part 2”).
2018-05-??,GDPR updates user.time_zone set to null, user.utc_offset set to null, user.profile_background_image_url set to default value
2018-06-??,Updating quoteTweet formatting changes. quoted_status_permalink
igorbrigadir commented 5 years ago

Entries from https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/batch-historical/guides/hpt-timeline.html

2007-01-03,,API,is:verified begins matching.
2007-01-30,,API,to: and in_reply_to_status_id: @Replies become a first-class event after becoming a user-convention in October 2006.
2007-04-01,,API,has:hashtags and # Operator. Hashtags become a common ‘organizing’ tool in August.
2008-02-27,,API,has:mentions and @ Operator begin matching.
2008-02-27,,API,has:links and url: begin matching.
2008-09-??,,API,emoji signal begins appears in HPT estimates.
2011-01-01,,API,is:retweet and retweet_of_status_id:. Retweets became a convention as early as April 2007, but matching before this date depends on search for “RT @” or “Via @” patterns.
2011-01-01,,API,Followers and friends counts begin to be non-zero. followers_count: and friends_count: start having non-zero values to match on.
2011-01-01,,API,User profiles begin to match profiles as they were when Tweet posted. Tweets before this date have their user profiles set to how they existed in September 2011.
2011-06-02,,API,has:images and has:media begin matching.
2011-09-01,,API,has:geo, place:, place_country:, bounding_box: and point_radius:.
2012-03-26,,API,Gnip introduces new data enrichments. Gnip Language,,API,gnip.lang language metadata. No longer filtered for. lang: Operator now based solely on root level Twitter language classification.
2012-03-26,,API,Gnip introduces new data enrichments. Expanded URLs,,API,URL metadata from this date until launch of HPT 2.0 will contain gnip.expanded_url fully unwound URL. URL matching before this date will be based on URL as entered by the user. If the Tweet includes a shortened URL, e.g. bit.ly, there will be no expanded URL to match on.
2012-11-??,,API,lang: Operator (matching on Twitter language classification).
2013-06-04,,API,has:profile_geo, profile_point_radius:, profile_bounding_box:, profile_country:, profile_region:, profile_subregion:, and profile_locality:.
2013-08-20,,API,has:symbols and $ Operator.
2015-02-10,,API,has:videos begins matching on videos shared through Twitter’s user-interface (‘native’ videos).
2015-09-28,,API,is:quote matching on Quoted Tweets.
2016-07-28,,API,url_title: and url_description: supported via Enchanced URLs enrichment.
2017-01-17,,API,‘quote_count’ and ‘reply_count’ available in enriched native format. No associated Operators for these metadata.
2017-02-22,,API,Poll metadata become available in enriched native format. No associated Operators for these metadata.
igorbrigadir commented 5 years ago

Entries from https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/search/guides/fas-timeline

2006-03-26,,API,lang:. An example of Tweet metadata being backfilled while generating the Search index.
2006-07-13,,API,has:mentions begins matching.
2006-10-06,,API,has:symbols. $cashtags (or symbols) for discussing stock symbols does not become common until early 2009. Until then most usages were probably slang (e.g., $slang).
2006-10-26,,API,has:links begins matching.
2006-11-23,,API,has:hashtags begins matching.
2007-01-30,,API,First first-class @reply (in_reply_to_user_id), reply_to_status_id: begins matching.
2007-08-23,,API,Hashtags emerge as a common convention for organizing topics and conversations. First real use a week later.
2009-05-15,,API,is:retweet. Note that this Operator starts matching with the ‘beta’ release of official Retweets and its “Via @’ pattern. During this beta period, the Tweet verb is ‘post’ and the original Tweet is not included in the payload.
2009-08-13,,API,Final version of official Retweets is released with “RT @” pattern, a verb set to ‘share’, and the ‘retweet_status’ attribute containing the original Tweet (thus approximately doubling the JSON payload size).
2010-03-06,,API,has:geo, bounding_box: and point_radius: geo Operators begin matching.
2010-08-28,,API,has:videos (Until February 2015, this Operator matches on Tweets with links to select video hosting sites such as youtube.com, vimeo.com, and vivo.com).
2011-07-20,,API,has:media and has:images begin matching. Native photos officially announced August 9, 2010.
2014-12-03,,API,(Approximately) Some Enhanced URL metadata with HTML title and description begins in payloads. Enhanced metadata more fully emerged in May 2016.
2015-02-10,,API,has:videos matches on ‘native’ Twitter videos.
2015-02-17,,API,has:profile_geo, profile_country:, profile_region:, profile_locality: Profile Geo Operators begin matching.
2015-02-17,,API,place_country: and place: Tweet geo Operators begin matching.
2016-05-01,,API,Enhanced URL metadata more fully available, and was officially announced as part of the Gnip 2.0 launch in August 2016. No associated Operators for these metadata with Search APIs.
2017-02-22,,API,Poll metadata become available in enriched native format. No associated Operators for these metadata.