igordejanovic / parglare

A pure Python LR/GLR parser - http://www.igordejanovic.net/parglare/
MIT License
135 stars 32 forks source link

QUESTION: confusing 0.12.0 versions ... #124

Open goodguy00 opened 3 years ago

goodguy00 commented 3 years ago


i pip-ed parglare, got version 0.12.0 comparing to this git, it seems to be further, more elaborate. esp handling "context" for call_actions is in the pip version much more extensive. so, i'm not sure, what i'm looking at in this git. (the init.py only says: "from .version import version" which i could not resolve) could you please indicate somewhere, what this git is supposed to be?

igordejanovic commented 3 years ago

This repo contains the full history of the project. Tag 0.12.0 is what is released to PyPI. All changes are tracked in CHANGELOG.md. You can click on each version in changelog to see all commits that are made following the previous version.

The docs is also versioned (you have a dropdown in the top left corner to chose the version you use). If something is wrong in the docs I consider it a bug so please report the problem (making a PR with the fix is greatly appreciated)

Be aware that this project is pre-1.0 so backward incompatible changes are made between version (marked with BIC in the CHANGELOG). That said, there has been a larger rework of the GLR algorithm and the handling of parser context in the unreleased version.