igorlino / elevatezoom-plus

Enhanced elevateZoom - A jQuery image zoom plugin
MIT License
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Enhancement: More control over Lens size for Window Mode #121

Open angable opened 5 years ago

angable commented 5 years ago

I'm using windowed zoomType on a shop that user customize flyers and documents. Sometimes the font is small so we're adding the zoom to make it easier to look over while they're customizing the product (after they're done customizing they can see a PDF preview).

We wanted to have the zoom window take up an equal amount of space as the document preview but because of its size, the lens now takes up 3/4 of the preview. We found that if we adjusted the zoomLevel it would take up less room but then the user was losing a lot of the context around the text.

I've tried using CSS to help but to no use. So having a little more control over the lens size for window mode, would be great.