igorlino / elevatezoom-plus

Enhanced elevateZoom - A jQuery image zoom plugin
MIT License
162 stars 77 forks source link

feature: owl carousel integration #26

Open tonykiefer opened 8 years ago

tonykiefer commented 8 years ago


The zoom works on the primary image. I'm having trouble getting the images to swap.
I'm populating my gallery using a foreach.

Upon inspecting the element I also noticed the a href zoom image, for every thumb in the gallery, is the primary image!

Please help and advise

ElevateZoomPlus - Images won't swap.txt

igorlino commented 8 years ago

sorry, hadn't had time at all for anything.

Unless you create a plunker where one can reproduce the issue, for the time being I can only point you to look into the example of angular-based zoom-elevate.

Demo http://igorlino.github.io/angular-elevatezoom-plus/#/main

Source code: https://github.com/igorlino/angular-elevatezoom-plus/tree/master/demo

There you see how it interacts with the elevate zoom. Originally I also had problems, and made some corrections to make it work nice and pretty.

tonykiefer commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the input! I'm working on creating a sample in plunker but I also wanted to know... Is it a problem if I'm using the owl-carousel for the gallery? Specifically, I'm using a dual synced owl-carousel. I need the carousel functionality for the gallery. All my images are contained in a content management system...so I'm loading them using a loop. As I previously mentioned. The zoom only works on the first image.

tonykiefer commented 8 years ago

Also...do you know of any examples that combine the owl carousel with the elevatezoom

igorlino commented 8 years ago

I just took a look at the OWL carousel, it looks very interesting. I think we really need to create an integration for that library. I have done so for angular-colorbox and angular-fancybox-plus galleries.

The most important thing is to understand the lifecycle of the owl carousel. Which events are triggered when, and I think is not big problem to integrate the elevate zoom.

In the worst case you may re-create an elevate zoom per image.

Unfortunately, I don't have at the moment anytime to create any integration till January....

tonykiefer commented 8 years ago

That sounds great and I do agree. I think elevateZoom/Plus would work great with owlCarousel. I think the most practical use of the carousel is the dual synced version. There are several examples available... http://poligon.pro/owl/...and http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/demos/sync.html. I'm currently using the first example. Let me know what you think....I'm excited to see the new development.

ndoulgeridis commented 8 years ago


Is there any progress on this feature?

igorlino commented 8 years ago

Sorry, although I generally would spend some slot of time, due to private matters I have had zero(0) free time for any open source in the last 3 months and I feel its going to last more than that.

So, of course I would be happy if anyone steps in and would like to integrate/create a working example with the owl. (Just give it a try, I accept nearly all pull requests)

didit80 commented 8 years ago

I try to integrated owl-carousel V1 slider sync with elevatezoom. add file jquery.elevatezoom.js before body end

example image slider sync change sync1 and sync2 from id to class javascript in html is

$(document).ready(function() { var sync1 = $(".sync1"); var sync2 = $(".sync2"); $(".zoom").elevateZoom({ tint:true, tintColour:'#F90', tintOpacity:0.5, gallery : "gallery_09", galleryActiveClass: "active", easing : true, scrollZoom : true });

    singleItem : true,
    slideSpeed : 1000,
    navigation: true,
    afterAction : syncPosition,
    responsiveRefreshRate : 200,

    items : 4,
    itemsDesktop      : [1199,10],
    itemsDesktopSmall     : [979,10],
    itemsTablet       : [768,8],
    itemsMobile       : [479,4],
    responsiveRefreshRate : 100,
    afterInit : function(el){

  function syncPosition(el){
    var current = this.currentItem;
    if($("#sync2").data("owlCarousel") !== undefined){


  $("#sync2").on("click", ".owl-item", function(e){
    var number = $(this).data("owlItem");

  function center(number){
    var sync2visible = sync2.data("owlCarousel").owl.visibleItems;

    var num = number;
    var found = false;
    for(var i in sync2visible){
      if(num === sync2visible[i]){
        var found = true;

        sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num - sync2visible.length+2)
        if(num - 1 === -1){
          num = 0;
        sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num);
    } else if(num === sync2visible[sync2visible.length-1]){
      sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", sync2visible[1])
    } else if(num === sync2visible[0]){
      sync2.trigger("owl.goTo", num-1)

ibasaw commented 8 years ago

just do like this

            $('.owl-carousel').on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) {
                $(".data-zoom-image-{{ product.id }}").elevateZoom(
                            responsive: true,
                            imageCrossfade: true,
                            borderSize: 2

use a class for create the EZ, not an id

ibasaw commented 8 years ago

this not a perfect integration, get some bug in events...

Is someone can post a full working example of EZ + OWL ...

aftabalamdev99 commented 8 years ago

Is there any one who solved the problem of EZ + OWL? I am having the same problem with integration of owl carosole and elevate zoom plugin integration. Any body has solved this issue then please paste the code here. Very much appreciated.

leowebguy commented 7 years ago

any luck on this? maybe a js jedi master to write a similar hook "getGalleryList" for owl?

 $("#img-zoom").bind("click", function(e) {  
      var ez = $('#img-zoom').data('elevateZoom');  
      //$.fancybox(ez.getGalleryList()); //original code
      //$.owlCarousel(ez.getGalleryListForOwl()); //we need this :)
      return false;