igorlino / elevatezoom-plus

Enhanced elevateZoom - A jQuery image zoom plugin
MIT License
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Responsive feature does not destroy zoomContainers #36

Open teej043 opened 8 years ago

teej043 commented 8 years ago

The responsive feature works but it has some serious problem not removing previous zoom containers right after every window resize:


Here's my code:

The site I'm developing is on a responsive layout with elements being fluid (always width 100% of its container) such as the image and the zoom window container so we can expect that they always change sizes.

Maybe it should be attached to an event after on resize so that it won't create containers every step, but still I think there should be something that handles this.

igorlino commented 8 years ago

nice animation showing the issue :+1:

arbel commented 8 years ago

any progress with this?

devjoseluis commented 8 years ago

Use $('.zoomContainer').remove(); before this line.

igorlino commented 8 years ago

mmm, i'm wondering, maybe, we should add an optional option to destroy the container on resize. So, if responsive=true destroyContainerOnResize=true then .remove()

Hozey commented 7 years ago

The original ElevateZoom http://www.elevateweb.co.uk/image-zoom/examples has an inner zoom feature,

`$("#zoom_05").elevateZoom({ zoomType : "inner", cursor: "crosshair" });

It seems to me the idel answer to dealing with large and small screens would be to have the zoom feature change in inner on small screens. But I have no clue how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.

Hozey commented 7 years ago

How can the position be changed to inner when viewed on small screens?

bircha commented 7 years ago

This is something I copy-pasted together to deal with the issue:

// https://github.com/igorlino/elevatezoom-plus
  function initZoom()
      zoomType: 'inner', 
      cursor: 'crosshair',
      zoomWindowFadeIn: 500, 
      zoomWindowFadeOut: 500, 
      lensFadeIn: 500, 
      lensFadeOut: 500

  // http://stackoverflow.com/a/12692647
  $(window).resize(function() {
    if(this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO);
    this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 250);

  // ezPlus zoom container needs to be resized after window resize
  $(window).bind('resizeEnd', function() {

MikeVirtual commented 6 years ago

Adding the following after line 316 in v 1.2.3 fixes it.

$('.' + self.options.container).remove();

There is a similar bug if you set imageCrossfade: true, where the original image gets repeatedly wrapped in zoomWrapper divs on resize.

adding the following code after line 163 in v. 1.2.3 cures it.
