issue: when the mouse is not over the images, the zoomLens should be hidden\Closed!
The problem is that, when the mouse is not hover the image anymore, the wide lens box will still be there, it won't go away until the page is scrolled down\up!
There is any easy way to fix such problem?
And by the way, is it possible to set a Fixed Lens window and set LensSize to fit browser screen Size???
First of all, thanks for such a great plugin!
Example using "Lens" zoomType and different lensSizes! (Html Code)
The problem is that, when the mouse is not hover the image anymore, the wide lens box will still be there, it won't go away until the page is scrolled down\up!
There is any easy way to fix such problem?
And by the way, is it possible to set a Fixed Lens window and set LensSize to fit browser screen Size???
Thanks in Advance!