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[WIP] Add HTTP/3 columns #204

Open LPardue opened 4 years ago

LPardue commented 4 years ago

Fixes #203.

Add an HTTP/3 column to server and CDN/PaaS tables. In the interest of simplicity, this column reflects support for the final RFC version of HTTP/3. Since the IETF are yet to publish this version, all entries begin with the value of "no".

Over time, we'll populate cells and amend this commit. Sensible thresholds might include HTTP/3 support merged into server mainline codebase (or module equivalents) and CDN/PaaS betas that have public announcements.

igrigorik commented 4 years ago


Thinking out loud: we could note the QUIC version supported by some platforms but set level to alert, to indicate that this is a transitionary state. WDYT?

LPardue commented 2 years ago

Apologies for dropping the ball on this one.

2 years on, since RFC 9000 is published now and most implementations are moving to support HTTP/3 with QUIC v1, I think we can now just focus on that. I'll make some fixups to this PR and will prompt for another review.