igroglaz / srvmgr

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add server option to disable 'watch #5

Open igroglaz opened 4 years ago

igroglaz commented 4 years ago

It would be fun to implement new flag for server - to disable 'watch'

"Watch" (F3 -> 'watch') -- other players will be capable of watching your character and all the events within your character’s sight range.

Would make game extra hard.. and more interesting in certain circumstances.

Also I suppose it could solve most of crushes :)

igroglaz commented 4 years ago

It's important issue because there is crush bug on quest maps - when several players gives vision, you could have crush

serg-bloim commented 4 years ago

Maybe it makes sense to make watch symmetric. This would require 2 players to give watch each other to make a watch connection between them. Unless both players give watch to each other, none is seeing the other. Not sure yet, which one would be easier to implement. But with my design people still can group into teams and give watch each other, but in a controlled way. WDYT?

igroglaz commented 4 years ago

I suppose not having vision could be intreresting option.. it would give gave more 'mmorpg' flavour. And also it would fix a lot of critical crushes - for now we got bug when if more then 3 players give vision on quest maps - client crush appears.. so it could be good idea to turn it off there.

igroglaz commented 1 year ago

can be implemented via ExtDiplomacy()