igroglaz / srvmgr

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allow negative value for items in RoM ME #84

Open igroglaz opened 3 years ago

igroglaz commented 3 years ago

atm in ME (map editor) it's not possible to assign negative values for items. it will be pretty useful for rebalancement. eg: melee weapon with curse which gives debuff to Body -5

igroglaz commented 2 years ago

This is the most important task atm. We critically need possibility to allow negative stats at items - it will open new chapter in the game enhancing.

Imagine having gear like +3 Body, -20 Dexterity :) A lot of new build will appear.. Reducing elemental resistances, defense or protection in exchange to stat boni and vice versa

igroglaz commented 2 years ago

This requires allowing negative stats in server and in RoM2 editor...