igroglaz / srvmgr

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An empty inventory slot crashes client on any inventory operation. #88

Open serg-bloim opened 3 years ago

serg-bloim commented 3 years ago

Example of an empty inventory: [0,0,0,6];[37229,1,19999999,1,{41:7:50:255}];[63076,1,2,1,{16:1:0:0},{34:120:0:0}];[63076,1,2,1,{16:1:0:0},{33:110:0:0}];[63076,1,2,1,{16:1:0:0},{33:120:0:0}];[37133,0,0,1];[3598,0,0,83] 5th element renders as an empty slot. image

It seems like sometimes empty slots are being created after using scrolls (acid attack for instance)

igroglaz commented 3 years ago

1) get male mage and buy Acid Stream scrolls.. put them nearby to staff (посох) 2) go Ruined map (attached) south from respawn to town with tavern 3) get quest intercept dragon4 4) teleport closer to the lake (east-south from town) and use scrolls on dragon 5) immideatelly after you will use it = client crush
