Closed georgiesamaha closed 2 years ago
I think you've hit a special problem with the END property in pysam, it is a bug but doesn't look like its going to be fixed there anytime soon, see As igv-reports uses pysam to parse VCF the "END" info-column is not visible (to IGV).
Also, btw, the suggestion to use "record.stop" for "END" at does not work reliablity for inter-chromosomal rerrangements, I suspect there is some condition that doesn't allow records.stop to be < record.pos, although there is no such restriction for the "END" info field.
Ah thank you @jrobinso!
Thank you for igv-reports, its a great tool. I am currently using it to visualise structural variants and wanted to include some additional INFO fields in the variants table. Using the IGVreports biocontainer v1.6.1 and Singularity, I ran the following:
However, in the .html report only only the CHROM, POSITION, REF, ALT, ID, SVTYPE, SVLEN, CHR2 columns are filled in for each variant site. I have confirmed the END INFO field is contained within my VCF header and I am correctly naming it:
Are only some INFO fields currently supported? Would appreciate any help on understanding/resolving this :)