ihabsoliman / Bootstrap-Form-Builder

Web app for drag drop building bootstrap forms.
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add BootstrapValidator? #9

Open tomByrer opened 10 years ago

tomByrer commented 10 years ago

https://github.com/nghuuphuoc/bootstrapvalidator#bootstrapvalidator Pros:


This is not a "should/need" request, more open to discussion. I'll play with it more this week, & can report findings & prep for a PR if you wish. Or perhaps you have another solution that is better?

peterb-2795 commented 10 years ago

Hi Tom,

I have been using jqBootstrapValidation (http://ReactiveRaven.github.com/jqBootstrapValidation/ ) for a few months now (after doing a few tweaks to make it work with BS3). It provides a similar visual (colourful) feedback as you fill in form fields and is working just fine for me. I went with this library because it was simple to integrate with the formbuilder snippets. If you look at the source to the examples on nghuuphuoc's pages, you will see quite a lot of field configuration details and field parameters defined in the $(document).ready(function() { ...

This is similar to several other validation libraries that I took a look at a while ago and ended up discounting them as they did not lend themselves very easily to the formbuilder semantic of inlining the templated values from the field configuration popup.

This is not to denigrate this library, it looks quite splendid if you are going to use it in the context of some semi-automated generation plus hand cranked validator additions. If I had such a use-case, I would probably give it a go.


tomByrer commented 10 years ago

Thanks for that link @peterb-2795; I'll bookmark that if I need a simpler checker later.

Problem with both is that they depend on the View too much IMHO. I would think ideally an MVC validation setup is best, so you don't have to pollute the HTML markup with validation logic/flags.

tomByrer commented 10 years ago
huchister commented 10 years ago

I am currently using this jQuery-Validation-Engine(http://posabsolute.github.io/jQuery-Validation-Engine/)


But above validators looks even more promising.

Just FYI

tomByrer commented 10 years ago

That looks good @huchister ; how is mobile support please?

huchister commented 10 years ago

I haven't seen any mobile support within its documentation yet.