ihavenoface / 4chan-x

Adds cute bloat.
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Foolz Beta archives as of now #266

Closed ididntknowicoulddothatXD closed 10 years ago

ididntknowicoulddothatXD commented 10 years ago

Archives /a/ Animu & Mango /co/ Comics & Cartoons /d/ Hentai/Alternative /gd/ Graphic Design /h/ Hentai /jp/ Otaku Culture /m/ Mecha /mlp/ Pony /q/ 4chan Discussion /s4s/ Shit 4chan Shitposts /sp/ Sports /tg/ Traditional Games /tv/ Television & Film /u/ Yuri /v/ Video Games /vg/ Video Games - General /vp/ Pokémon /vr/ Retro Games /wsg/ Worksafe GIFs

ihavenoface commented 10 years ago

A few have been remove because they can't be used by non-beta users.

ihavenoface commented 10 years ago

You can create your own archives.json and upload it somewhere, then link to it in the Archives tab in the settings.

ididntknowicoulddothatXD commented 10 years ago

Ok, thanks.

ididntknowicoulddothatXD commented 10 years ago

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://a.pomf.se/e523u.json. Origin chrome-extension://4chanx is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

How do I fix this in Chrome? I googled and got to Stackoverflow but it's too confusing and I don't understand how to fix it.

ihavenoface commented 10 years ago

It means that pomf.se doesn't allow CORS. Creating a gist should work.

ihavenoface commented 10 years ago

You can also try http://jsonp.jit.su/?url=http://a.pomf.se/e523u.json. It uses JSONProxy.

ididntknowicoulddothatXD commented 10 years ago

Yes, it worked, thanks!