ihavenoface / 4chan-x

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Captchas do not refresh. #338

Open ferongr opened 9 years ago

ferongr commented 9 years ago

Fx 33 Beta GM 2.2 Bleeding edge builds

When you fail a captcha, it doesn't refresh with a new one. Requests happen with 200 response codes but the same captcha is shown again.

ferongr commented 9 years ago

Works now.

ferongr commented 9 years ago

And it happens again from time to time. A refresh bypassing the cache (CTRL+F5) fixes it.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I noticed this today. A minor nuisance. Normally clicking on the captcha will refresh it, but I had to refresh the whole thread.

specialeddy commented 9 years ago

I can confirm this is happening to me too.

How to produce the problem:

  1. purposefully fail a captcha
  2. type in the captcha normally and it will fail every time, the captcha gets stuck on one image and does not refresh.
yuriks commented 9 years ago

I might have introduced this bug in 304cb1459cd4b709ee586d76517a970a34af3bed and 83c09885b0bb698822b96a75b1d3d940ea4465fb (which fixed the captcha burn issue). It didn't happen when I was developing the fix, but it started consistently happening a few days afterwards (and would go away when reverting to the earlier version). I wasn't able to fix it without breaking some other aspect of the captcha. Can someone look into it?

impman commented 9 years ago

Take a bump, I find this happening once in a while - captcha fails to refresh, and neither backspacing nor clicking on it makes it update. Refreshing the page normally or with ctrl+f5 both work, but it's a bit annoying.

specialeddy commented 9 years ago

For anyone who wishes to have a temporary fix, I have patched the latest version of this fork with the captcha function from ccd0's fork. Feel free to diff check it, and when ihavenoface pushes an update, my patch will be overwritten with his update because it points to his @updateURL and @downloadURL. Note: I don't even know what that "captcha burning" issue was, but this patch posts just fine and have been using it for a month. This 4chan X version I am linking is not meant to be permanent, and will be deleted after the issue is fixed in this fork.

A bonus feature with this patch is the return of cached captchas. Shift + Enter caches a captcha you input with a maximum of 7 you can cache at any one time.


yuriks commented 9 years ago

@specialeddy "captcha burn" is/was an issue where the captcha widget would load and discard several (3-4) captchas in quick succession when you focused on it. This caused recaptcha to quickly start giving you hard and unreadable captchas. I don't have this issue with ccd0's 4chan X, so I assume it's not present in his version.

specialeddy commented 9 years ago

@yuriks then in that case considering the exact captcha function is used from ccd0 (except a tab-index change), the patch should be fine then. I wondering if ihavenoface is even still around, it's been rather quiet as of late on his github, and this has been my favorite 4chan X version for a while. Unfortunately I do not have the javascript knowledge to maintain a fork of my own, otherwise I would do so gladly.

specialeddy commented 9 years ago

Whelp, it looks like the new reCAPTCHA nullifies this entire thread. We need a new captcha implementation. I'll probably update my patch again, though should I make a fork?