ihdavids / orgextended

Sublime Text OrgMode Extension
MIT License
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Please do add orgextended to the Orgdown tool collection page #54

Open novoid opened 2 years ago

novoid commented 2 years ago


You may have heard of my latest initiative at EmacsConf21 which tries to strengthen the non-Emacs support for Org-mode syntax: https://karl-voit.at/2021/11/27/orgdown/ or https://tube.graz.social/w/bgJVfjPLQAoJwLJQZoo3Hu (12min video)

According to my initiative, "Orgdown" should be used as a new name for the Org-mode syntax. This way, we do get a clear distinction between the GNU/Emacs implementation of Org-mode and its lightweight markup language syntax. In my opinion, not every tool that supports Orgdown needs to support the whole set of Org-mode features in order to be a good choice for users.

At the moment, there is one basic Orgdown level defined: Orgdown1 https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Orgdown-Levels.org That basic level is very easy to reach for any tool supporting Orgdown syntax.

Independent from my approach to introduce a new name Orgdown for the syntax of Org-mode, the Orgdown project does maintain a collection of tools with decent Org-mode syntax support on: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/Tool-Support.org

So far, I collected many tools on the tool page itself. For a small subset, I also wrote a detailed tool-support page such as: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/tools/GitLab.org

I would like to invite you to contribute a detailed tool-support page as well. The necessary steps to fill out the provided template are described on: https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/doc/faq/how-to-add-tools.org

If you do have some questions or feedback, please do not hesitate and write me an email or add a GitLab issue.

Thank you very much and have a nice day!

ihdavids commented 2 years ago

Sure. OrgExtended is the older sublime org mode..i started hacking on it adding more syntax and just didnt stop.

Now it has agenda Date picker Todo lists An export engine Table support with formulas Babel support for a number of languages with tables and lists as inputs as well as quite a few graphing formats like graphviz, mermaid, plantuml etc etc Capturing, refiling, archiving Basic org roam backlinks Folding, startup comments Dynamic blocks Clocking and clock reports Inline images.