Originally reported by: Diane Azais (Bitbucket: dazais, GitHub: dazais)
The package xml-validator seems to be built at a time when other packages that it depends on have not been built yet (error-recording_v2 and sim-support).
Those packages need to be either released separately and made available in Nexus, or the Maven build hierarchy needs to be fixed so that the two other packages are built before xml-validator.
To reproduce, delete entire .m2 repository and rebuild the develop branch from scratch.
Original comment byDiane Azais (Bitbucket: dazais, GitHub: dazais):
Ok, will do when there is more time. My workspace is fixed and I advised the rest of the team not to delete their local maven repositories in the meantime.
Original comment byDiane Azais (Bitbucket: dazais, GitHub: dazais):
Temporarily fixed by installing manually several packages into my local repository. However the build is still deficient on that part and the issue will come up again on any new machine or new workspace.
Originally reported by: Diane Azais (Bitbucket: dazais, GitHub: dazais)
The package xml-validator seems to be built at a time when other packages that it depends on have not been built yet (error-recording_v2 and sim-support).
Those packages need to be either released separately and made available in Nexus, or the Maven build hierarchy needs to be fixed so that the two other packages are built before xml-validator.
To reproduce, delete entire .m2 repository and rebuild the develop branch from scratch.