ihh / wikimess

Wiki Messenger
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Bot interface #89

Closed ihh closed 6 years ago

ihh commented 6 years ago

Domain-specific language for moods and reactions; edit in simple textbox

ihh commented 6 years ago
{hello|{clickhole|the onion&daily mash}} => @interested {$Surprised!}

10 => @bored {$Hurry!}
20 => @quiet {So $bored.}

=> @bored {$Never_say_die.}

Rates are expressed as time parameters: when in state @bored, roughly every ten seconds you'll get a $Hurry!, and after roughly twenty seconds it'll print So $bored. and go quiet.

ihh commented 6 years ago

Per-player rate limits

If a bot's reaction rate in any given state exceeds this limit, its rate will be rounded to that

Effective update rate needs to be scaled by (T,B,S)

Each Player has own values for these parameters: they are model attributes, but attributes that cannot be edited via web API, and have sensible default parameters

ihh commented 6 years ago

NB no need for JSON schema; controller should just try PEGjs parser