ihhub / fheroes2

fheroes2 is a recreation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.
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Enhancement for the information displayed when the player right clicks on an object #1391

Open LeHerosInconnu opened 3 years ago

LeHerosInconnu commented 3 years ago

In Heroes 2, I have always found that the information displayed in the window when the player right clicks on the different locations was not precise enough, nor complete enough. Examples: Witch Doctor's Hut (not visited), Fort (already visited), etc.

This is an enhancement that I would like to see added to fheroes2.

Let's review the locations on the adventure map, with the information to display according to the different cases.

*** Ex. with Witch Doctor's Hut.

Same functioning for other primary skill locations on the adventure map.

*** Ex. with Shrines.

Same fonctioning for the Shrine of the Second Circle.

Same fonctioning for the Shrine of the Second Circle.

*** Ex. with Gazebo.

*** Ex. with Witch's Hut.

*** Ex. with Tree of Knowledge.

*** Ex. with Trading Post.

*** Ex. with Fountain.

*** Ex. with Temple.

*** Ex. with Xanadu.

The hero need to be level 10 to be trained at Xanadu. Each level of Diplomacy count as two levels. A level 4 hero with Expert Diplomacy can be trained at Xanadu (4+6 = 10).

The Statesman's Quill Artefact should also count (this is part of a planned tweak for this artifact). Statesman's Quill (tweak 02): The Statesman's Quill also count as two levels to visit Xanadu.

So with Expert Diplomacy and Statesman's Quill, a level 2 hero can be trained at Xanadu (2+6+2 = 10).

*** Ex. with Pyramid.

*** Ex. with Freeman's Foundry.

*** Ex. with Graveyard.

*** Ex. with City of the Dead.

Right click on interactive sites with possible recruitments, shows information.

(last visitor): one hero of the player has fought, he has won the combat or not. No enemy hero has been seen to have moved on the interactive square during his turn (it does not need the enemy hero entered the site, it may just have moved on the interactive square without entering the site).

(you can recruit): one hero of the player has fought and has won the combat. You can now recruit creatures.

(8 units): 8 units are available to buy. One hero of the player has fought and has won the combat 3 weeks earlier (ex: 2 creatures just after the combat + 2 creatures each week).

*** Ex. with Dragon City.

Same fonctioning as for the City of the Dead.

*** Ex. with Troll Bridge.

Same fonctioning as for the City of the Dead.

*** Ex. with creature generators on the adventure map.

Number of available creatures is also displayed with free creatures generators on the map (ex: Archer's House) if at least one friendly hero is the last visitor ((you can recruit) (20 units)). If a week has passed, or several weeks have passed, and more creatures have been spawned, the information is updated ((you can recruit) (at least 20 creatures) (3 weeks ago)).

*** Ex. with wandering creatures.

Right click on a square with wandering creatures (and adjacent squares when the sword mouse cursor is diplayed) shows information. Some examples.

(Diplomacy Basic): informs the player that selected hero has the diplomacy secondary skill at basic level (creatures will sometimes offer to join the hero army). (Hideous Mask): informs the player that selected hero has the Hideous Mask (prevents all wandering creature from joining the hero). (will not join): precision to inform the player the creatures will not join due to Hideous Mask.

(1500-6000 gold): the cost in gold to recruit the creatures (min-max gold)

(will never join): some creatures will never join no matter what, ghosts and elementals.

(too short by 20600 gold): indicates the amount of gold missing when the player does not have enough gold to pay the maximum cost.

(not powerful enough for them to join): the player's army is not strong enough to impress the creatures and make them join the hero.

*** Ex. with Magic Well.

*** Ex. with Artesian Spring.

*** Ex. with Sphinx.

*** Ex. with Daemon Cave.

*** Ex. with Alchemist’s Tower (POL).

*** Ex. with Tents and Barriers (POL).

** Tent.

** Tent.

** Barrier.

** Barrier.

*** Ex. with Lean-To, Skeleton (Desert), Wagon.

*** Ex. with Artifact.

*** Ex. with Artifact with conditions.

The user can validate the information that he wishes will be displayed in the window when right clicking on the objects in an adjustment file (example an .xml file). Not all locations, and not all the possibilities are mentioned, but I think this is enough to give an overview. The texts used are for explanatory purposes and can be simplified/modified.

You can read the discussion if any about it here: https://heroes2.forumactif.com/t942-enhancement-enhancement-for-the-information-displayed-when-the-player-right-clicks-on-an-object#8498

Edit 2021/12/22.

*** Ex. with empty Boat.

Right click on an empty boat indicates who is the "owner". Boat (Neutral) Boat (Green Player) Boat (Yours), or Boat (Your own) Edit 2022/01/01. Indicate the boat position in the boat summon order list with the spell "Summon Boat" for the player's boats. Boat (Yours) (summon: first) Boat (Yours) (summon: fourth)

Edit 2022/01/01.

*** For all squares accessible except at sea.

Indicate the name of the nearest city (for the "Town Gate" spell). (town: Fenton) (castle: Pig's Eyes)

LeHerosInconnu commented 11 months ago

Here are some save files to illustrate the case of the Town Gate spell.

For "Town gate nearest 01.sav": At the hero's position, the Town Gate info indicates that the nearest castle is Blackfang. The hero wants to go to the castle Middle Gate.

In the current state of the game, the player must move the hero (one square at a time, if he wants to take full advantage of the hero's movement) and then check the nearest castle indication in the Town Gate info window.

If the information on the nearest castle is shown directly in the right-click information window of the adventure map square, all these tedious manipulations are no longer necessary, as the player quickly and easily knows which square to move his hero to in order to reach the desired castle with the Town Gate spell.

It's the same for "Town gate nearest 02.sav", except the castles are Middle Gate and Troy.

In fheroes2:

Town gate nearest town 001

Town gate nearest town 002

Town gate nearest town 003

Here are the save files (1.0.6 7494): Town gate nearest 01.zip

denierlexiese commented 1 week ago

It would be nice for newer players to get this info on right clicking these two buildings.

Freeman's Foundry - Upgrades pikemen, swordsmen, and iron golems. There is no cost. Hillforst - Upgrades orcs, ogres, and dwarfs. There is no cost.