ihm-tswow / Links-Awakening-DX-HD

Unaffiliated fork off https://linksawakeningdxhd.itch.io/links-awakening-dx-hd
358 stars 122 forks source link

Copyrighted assets? #12

Open muffinjets opened 8 months ago

muffinjets commented 8 months ago

Hey, we've got a version of this project open here (https://github.com/ladxhd/projectz/), where we've removed the copyrighted assets (to be readded with a user-submitted copy of the 1.0 source)

How would you feel about collaborating in some way?

jamescastells commented 8 months ago

Where would you get the copyrighted assets if not from this repo?

muffinjets commented 8 months ago

Legally speaking, you'd be getting them from your own supply of the 1.0 source code that you had from before the takedown

Realistically there are plenty of backups online, of course

It's the same legal/functional basis that ROM hacks are built upon

Eventually we plan on pulling assets from a LADX ROM, but we're working on that