ihm-tswow / Links-Awakening-DX-HD

Unaffiliated fork off https://linksawakeningdxhd.itch.io/links-awakening-dx-hd
358 stars 122 forks source link

ReadMe instructions should include exactly what Visual Studio needs for this solution #41

Open SirGouki opened 8 months ago

SirGouki commented 8 months ago

Currently, the readme suggests that someone with a fresh install of Visual Studio 2022 should be able to just compile and go, but this is not the case.

There are multiple references to Microsoft.Xna.Framework in the source, which suggests either using XNA (which doesn't seem to be an option for 2022 as even Windows 10 is trying to block the installation due to security issues) or MonoGame, but there is no reference to this in the readme nor in the source via comments. I'm going to make the educated guess that this is MonoGame source, as XNA has not been updated since around 2010, but with no instructions on what specifically is needed (NuGet packages?), I can't even build the current source code to make sure I'm set up properly.

SirGouki commented 8 months ago

Part of the problem was I was viewing the solution from the source included with the game.

Opening the solution from the clone of this repo DOES automatically include the required NuGet packages:


all by MonoGame Team and System.Resources.Extensions by Microsoft

In case anyone needs to manually set this up for some reason.