Speeds up aggregation of interval variables in input data where the interval sets for different combinations of id_cols can vary a lot. I will highlight the main changes in the code, a lot of the changes are just moving things around.
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Describe changes
Speeds up aggregation of interval variables in input data where the interval sets for different combinations of id_cols can vary a lot. I will highlight the main changes in the code, a lot of the changes are just moving things around.
I made sure these timing comparisons stayed the same or sped up https://ihmeuw-demographics.github.io/hierarchyUtils/articles/agg_scale_performance.html#timing-comparison-1
And aggregated all population input data in under 1 minute
What issues are related
Fixes #60 Fixes #64
Related to #51
Packages Repositories
R packages?devtools::check()
code style?docker-base
? If so follow directions in those repositories to rebuild and redeploy the images.