ihmeuw-scicomp / jobmon

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Release/3.3 #144

Closed wcbzero closed 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage report

Click to see where and how coverage changed

(new stmts)
Lines missing
  workflow.py 90
  task_generator.py 51, 58, 64, 99-103, 167-175, 219, 227, 231-234, 244-251, 368, 377, 409, 419, 474, 495, 534, 551, 569, 606, 738, 757-797, 802-825, 838-870, 929-932, 935, 965-966, 978-987, 990, 995, 1040-1049, 1085-1088, 1155-1159, 1183-1184, 1194-1198, 1205-1208
  cli.py 89-122
  task_template.py 511-513, 543-544, 635-648
  workflow.py 493, 524-526
  tool.py 123-196
Project Total  

This report was generated by python-coverage-comment-action

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Test Results

0 tests  ±0   0 :white_check_mark: ±0   0s :stopwatch: ±0s 0 suites ±0   0 :zzz: ±0  0 files   ±0   0 :x: ±0 

Results for commit b97d621f. ± Comparison against base commit b9ec086c.