We lost randomness::random and so I had to implement that functionality
in vectorized_choice
No more randomness Array either.
Instead of side-instantiating a randomness stream for business moves, we
are now generating one properly through builder. To maintain a crn strictly
for business move dynamics, we overwrite the seed in-code.
We started getting errors because simulants were not being registered to the
randomness stream which resulted in the IndexMap not properly updating. We
chose to solve this be removing the key_columns from the config files (and just
deleting the unused self.register_updates). This works because if key_columns
is empty the IndexMap gets instantiated w/ _use_crn == False which in turn
has the IndexMap getter return index.values rather than a map. It's confusing.
Verification and Testing
pytests pass.
I also confirmed that the manual overwrite of random_seed is working by
running two simulations in interactive mode with different model-spec seeds
and checking that the business details are identical.
Title: Implement vivarium v1.1.0
Changes and notes
Primary changes:
_use_crn == False
which in turn has the IndexMap getter return index.values rather than a map. It's confusing.Verification and Testing
pytests pass.
I also confirmed that the manual overwrite of random_seed is working by running two simulations in interactive mode with different model-spec seeds and checking that the business details are identical.