iho-ohi / 98-interoperability

A repository to discuss issues to S-98 Product Specification of IHO
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C-15.4 Tidal stream data panels #9

Open DavidGrant-NIWC opened 1 year ago

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

Issues noted while implementing support for tidal stream data panels:




rmalyankar commented 1 year ago

"Data from: ENC" should be removed, or the requirement should be updated as it only applies when the feature is encoded within an ENC

The requirement will be updated.

"Tidal Station Identifier" label should be changed to "Station Number:" to reflect S-57 => S-101.

The change was deliberate. Some stations have alphanumeric identifiers.

Rates at spring tides (knots)" should have "spring" in blue text as it should be dynamic based on the value of the reference tide type. Note: We should consider rewording the label or modifying the attribute values so that they agree ("springs" vs. "spring").

Agreed in prinicple

streamDepth is not shown. Is this intentional?

The S-101 DCEG doesn't show it either.

Recommend expanding the example to show the resultant display when encoding multiple tidalStreamPanelValues, based on differing values of streamDepth / referenceTide / referenceTideType.

Since the table is derived from S-101, does the S-101 project team have a concept for this? Because given the structure of tidalStreamPanelValues in S-101 and possible variations thereof it could get complicated enough that proper portrayal of the "Tidal stream panel data" feature is not feasible in S-100 without revising portrayal.

S-101 should consider dropping this feature because other products can provide more up-to-date information.

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

"Tidal Station Identifier" label should be changed to "Station Number:" to reflect S-57 => S-101.

The change was deliberate. Some stations have alphanumeric identifiers.

Not in S-101... image

The S-101 DCEG doesn't show it [(streamDepth)] either.

The DCEG only provides an encoding example, whereas S-98 Annex C provides a UI requirement. I added an issue for the S-101 DCEG: https://github.com/iho-ohi/S-101-Documentation-and-FC/issues/85, but the UI requirement should either show all of the encoded data, or indicate that it is intentionally not shown (and provide a reason).

[Panel layout could be complex]

If we are providing a layout requirement, it should be complete. It could be as simple as providing multiple (stacked) sub-panels under the station name/number, each with streamDepth, referenceTide, and referenceTideType.Alternatively, we could remove the mandated layout and leave it to the OEM, but require that all information is presented (and perhaps sorted in a particular order).

S-101 should consider dropping this feature because other products can provide more up-to-date information.

Recommend creating an issue in the S-101 DCEG SWG.