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Masking (DCEG clause 2.5.10) #26

Open JeffWootton opened 2 years ago

JeffWootton commented 2 years ago

Refer to S-101 Portrayal issue #32: (https://github.com/S-101-Portrayal-subWG/Working-Documents/issues/32)

DCEG Sub-WG action from this issue: image

Part of the recommendations to the DCEG Sub-WG is to include better (more appropriate) encoding scenario's in DCEG clause 2.5.10. Any DCEG Sub-WG members that can provide some input to this, your input will be appreciated.

It is intended that one of the outcomes of discussions on masking for S-101 ENCs is a recommendation back to the Portrayal Sub-WG as to any aspects of masking that may be automatically applied in the ECDIS (if any).

JeffWootton commented 1 year ago

From DCEG Sub-Group meeting 3 Record:

Points to Note:


Action: - Keep Issue open for contributors to include suggestions for improvement to DCEG clause 2.5.10 (All). [Ongoing] - Initial discussions on improvements to clause 2.5.10 to take place in conjunction with S-101PT9 (IHO Sec, DK). - Amendments to be made to clause 2.5.10 to ensure that all Figures and Tables are referenced in the text (IHO Sec). [Complete]

alvarosanuy commented 1 year ago

We could start by splitting the scenarios in clause 2.5.10 into 'automation possible' and ''automation not possible'. Possible meaning we can clearly define the requirements (conditions to be met) in a 'machine readable way'. I do not see a problem with retaining this information in the DCEG. In the end is 'encoding guidance', we are just highlighting that the action can be performed by the production tool and not the ENC producer (human). In the end, the need for masking has to be visible to the human because, in the end, it's their responsibility to ensure masking is applied to the product. Not possible would be the other cases (conditions can't be 'easily' written in a machine readable way). If automation is possible then we should expect (we cannot enforce this) implementation by ENC production software (automated masking). Whenever machine readable conditions cannot be identified and human intervention is expected, then DCEG should provide clear guidance on 'how to'' identify and resolve them. In 2.5.10 there seems to be a 3rd case (refer to Figure 2.5) where the problem could be related to 'display priorities' although its resolution could be also be managed by automated edge masking based on well defined conditions (i.e. Anchorage Area edge overlaps Pontoon edge).