iho-ohi / S-102-Product-Specification

It is opened to develop S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product Specification. The contents of this repository are not offical publication in force, therefore please check the final version on the IHO website.
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Potential Removal of UPS as Allowed CRS #110

Open hasel001 opened 5 days ago

hasel001 commented 5 days ago

It was discussed at the 27 June 2024 Multiple Vertical Datums meeting that allowed Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) should probably be limited to 4326 and UTM. @tfilppula brought to my attention that UPS (North and South) are also currently allowed in our PS.

For Ed. 3.1.0 or later (i.e., after publication of Ed. 3.0.0), it is worthwhile to consider removing UPS from the list of allowed CRS. This issue is being created to support debate on the topic and to ensure it is on the agenda for PT19.