iho-ohi / S100Infrastructure

This repository is designated for user feedback on IHO S-100 Infra systems. Your comments will be reviewed by the Infra team for consideration and implementation.
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Feature Catalogue to Document #7

Open RichardCoyles opened 3 months ago

RichardCoyles commented 3 months ago

I've been trying to test the Feature Catalogue to Document in the IHO toolkit. I cannot drag and drop any documents (.doc, .docx) into the window. Drag and Drop appears to be the only option. I see that @MikusRL had managed to drag and drop (but has a file size issue). Once tested, I intent to create S-501 documentation, this will be very useful.

Many thanks

gorogara commented 2 months ago

@RichardCoyles The tool, Catalogue To Document is a tool to covert FC(xml) to World(docx). You need to drag & drop the FC(xml). Please let me know if it is your solution to close this issue. Thanks.

RichardCoyles commented 2 months ago

Hi @gorogara, when we drag and drop the .xml nothing happens. I'm happy to do a teams meeting and share screen to demonstrate.

I have been using the S-101_FC_1.2.3.xml as a test - direct from the IHO registry. S-101_FC_1.2.3.xml.zip

I intend to create an S-501 document when we can get it working.

Many thanks

RichardCoyles commented 1 month ago

Could an update be provide here please, or for other users to be able to replicate the problem we at UKHO are experiencing using the drag and drop.