iholston / lol-bot

An account leveling bot for League of Legends written in Python
MIT License
293 stars 48 forks source link

Patch 14.6.1 implements a new AI mode and BOTs will not work. #205

Closed damare1 closed 3 months ago

damare1 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug A new AI mode was implemented in patch14.6.1. Please update the BOT.

Version 2.2.2

Screenshots ai

iholston commented 3 months ago

Interesting, I'll take a look.

iholston commented 3 months ago

So I'm not able to recreate this issue. Maybe try restarting the bot and league and see if it is still happening?

iholston commented 3 months ago

Hmm, yea that isn't here in the US yet. If you have time go to the HTTP tab while you are in the intro lobby and paste:


into the URL with the GET method and hit 'Send Request' and copy and past the response here.

damare1 commented 3 months ago

I am playing on the Japan server. Patch 14.6.1. A new AI mode has been implemented and seems to have changed the behavior. aaaada If you start the BOT with an AI battle room created in advance, it works. daaaa However, if I try to start the BOT from the home screen, it loops from [Creating lobby with lobby_id] and does not seem to work. ba

iholston commented 3 months ago

Yea, I think they may have changed the lobby ID. Until that new system is rolled out here in the US I won't be able to update. But I'll check back regularly to see if we get this change. In the meantime, if you have time to send the '/lol-lobby/v2/lobby' in the URL section of the HTTP tab and send response I can see if they changed the lobby id.

damare1 commented 3 months ago

If I do this after creating an AI room, it seems to be normal. q1 However, if I do it on the home screen (with the room closed), error message. q2

iholston commented 3 months ago

Can you paste the text from the first one? when the lobby was already created?

damare1 commented 3 months ago

{ "canStartActivity": true, "gameConfig": { "allowablePremadeSizes": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "customLobbyName": "Custom Lobby", "customMutatorName": "", "customRewardsDisabledReasons": [], "customSpectatorPolicy": "NotAllowed", "customSpectators": [], "customTeam100": [], "customTeam200": [], "gameMode": "CLASSIC", "isCustom": false, "isLobbyFull": false, "isTeamBuilderManaged": false, "mapId": 11, "maxHumanPlayers": 0, "maxLobbySize": 5, "maxTeamSize": 5, "pickType": "", "premadeSizeAllowed": true, "queueId": 870, "shouldForceScarcePositionSelection": false, "showPositionSelector": false, "showQuickPlaySlotSelection": false }, "invitations": [ { "invitationId": "", "invitationType": "invalid", "state": "Accepted", "timestamp": "0", "toSummonerId": 3455471937422816, "toSummonerName": "" } ], "localMember": { "allowedChangeActivity": true, "allowedInviteOthers": true, "allowedKickOthers": true, "allowedStartActivity": true, "allowedToggleInvite": true, "autoFillEligible": false, "autoFillProtectedForPromos": false, "autoFillProtectedForSoloing": false, "autoFillProtectedForStreaking": false, "botChampionId": 0, "botDifficulty": "NONE", "botId": "", "firstPositionPreference": "", "intraSubteamPosition": null, "isBot": false, "isLeader": true, "isSpectator": false, "playerSlots": [], "puuid": "5e4fb719-a6d5-5b1f-8124-803c93852537", "quickplayPlayerState": null, "ready": true, "secondPositionPreference": "", "showGhostedBanner": false, "subteamIndex": null, "summonerIconId": 29, "summonerId": 3455471937422816, "summonerInternalName": "", "summonerLevel": 5, "summonerName": "", "teamId": 0, "tftNPEQueueBypass": null }, "members": [ { "allowedChangeActivity": true, "allowedInviteOthers": true, "allowedKickOthers": true, "allowedStartActivity": true, "allowedToggleInvite": true, "autoFillEligible": false, "autoFillProtectedForPromos": false, "autoFillProtectedForSoloing": false, "autoFillProtectedForStreaking": false, "botChampionId": 0, "botDifficulty": "NONE", "botId": "", "firstPositionPreference": "", "intraSubteamPosition": null, "isBot": false, "isLeader": true, "isSpectator": false, "playerSlots": [], "puuid": "5e4fb719-a6d5-5b1f-8124-803c93852537", "quickplayPlayerState": null, "ready": true, "secondPositionPreference": "", "showGhostedBanner": false, "subteamIndex": null, "summonerIconId": 29, "summonerId": 3455471937422816, "summonerInternalName": "", "summonerLevel": 5, "summonerName": "", "teamId": 0, "tftNPEQueueBypass": null } ], "mucJwtDto": { "channelClaim": "7d880319-5261-4896-acb3-96e09599c341", "domain": "lol-pre-game", "jwt": "eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ0Z3QiOiJqcDEiLCJzdWIiOiI1ZTRmYjcxOS1hNmQ1LTViMWYtODEyNC04MDNjOTM4NTI1MzciLCJpc3MiOiJsb2wtcGFydGllcyIsImNobiI6IjdkODgwMzE5LTUyNjEtNDg5Ni1hY2IzLTk2ZTA5NTk5YzM0MSIsInR5cCI6ImxvbC1wcmUtZ2FtZSIsImV4cCI6MTcxMDkwMzEwNywiaWF0IjoxNzEwOTAyNTA3LCJqdGkiOiI2ODhiYWE4OS03YjkxLTRlOTktOTkwOC1jZTJiYmVhZWY2OGEifQ.h4ceC8EuVf2D-C0h894nqYgb_B5N0JLe4vL1iNiZdEK4E6xx7BbbdMFSC02N_OlXLsqgzpXZQuKKOnqxj51f3ZB7fu0T3xKan9I1JwEs7pKaK_bMZEgSIpsiHd7cAMoIiNhnAC741qhj6KycMuS-2dOO4NtAOO6t9BDVxlspXUslkjGg_y93QzrivlFJwvhp6rJLpZZ1yDbb5TdhrHovmStVWusX-HZZRY-WHrFfvm6RYQHG2ZfpUzhLmwBllNK574mTp51RtXE7zOuE9-fr1D5jQZjNn0UPUn3K0HpwaUwB3-XFbGLM2CTDvEgpkXWEhXo6LbCMSSnfIq-Wt8ea6g", "targetRegion": "jp1" }, "multiUserChatId": "7d880319-5261-4896-acb3-96e09599c341", "multiUserChatPassword": "eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJ0Z3QiOiJqcDEiLCJzdWIiOiI1ZTRmYjcxOS1hNmQ1LTViMWYtODEyNC04MDNjOTM4NTI1MzciLCJpc3MiOiJsb2wtcGFydGllcyIsImNobiI6IjdkODgwMzE5LTUyNjEtNDg5Ni1hY2IzLTk2ZTA5NTk5YzM0MSIsInR5cCI6ImxvbC1wcmUtZ2FtZSIsImV4cCI6MTcxMDkwMzEwNywiaWF0IjoxNzEwOTAyNTA3LCJqdGkiOiI2ODhiYWE4OS03YjkxLTRlOTktOTkwOC1jZTJiYmVhZWY2OGEifQ.h4ceC8EuVf2D-C0h894nqYgb_B5N0JLe4vL1iNiZdEK4E6xx7BbbdMFSC02N_OlXLsqgzpXZQuKKOnqxj51f3ZB7fu0T3xKan9I1JwEs7pKaK_bMZEgSIpsiHd7cAMoIiNhnAC741qhj6KycMuS-2dOO4NtAOO6t9BDVxlspXUslkjGg_y93QzrivlFJwvhp6rJLpZZ1yDbb5TdhrHovmStVWusX-HZZRY-WHrFfvm6RYQHG2ZfpUzhLmwBllNK574mTp51RtXE7zOuE9-fr1D5jQZjNn0UPUn3K0HpwaUwB3-XFbGLM2CTDvEgpkXWEhXo6LbCMSSnfIq-Wt8ea6g", "partyId": "7d880319-5261-4896-acb3-96e09599c341", "partyType": "open", "restrictions": [], "scarcePositions": [], "warnings": [] }

iholston commented 3 months ago

Ahh yea, there is the issue. They changed the lobby ID's. Currently, the bot lobbies are 830, 840, and 850. But it looks like the new lobby numbers are probably 860, 870, 880, and/or 890. That should be easy to fix once the update comes out here. I'll keep you updated.

damare1 commented 3 months ago

Understood. Thank you very much. I noticed this when I played against the new AI. Even the INTRO bots are getting stronger, so if your team is all bots, you are more likely to lose and leveling may be a little slower!

LSTMPD commented 3 months ago

EUW here, can confirm everything stated above, 870 (Intro) is the way to go, the bots are much stronger.


Did 2 games in order to try it out, pretty surprised at how fast the enemy snowballs now. Also probably worth mentioning, seems like Riot disabled Autobuy when leaving the fountain on Intro difficulty.

damare1 commented 3 months ago

With INTRO, there are too many matches to lose because the allies are almost always BOTs. With INTERMEDIATE, we can win because we have humans, but do we risk being banned?

LSTMPD commented 3 months ago

I levelled over 80 accounts on Intro without any major issues, however on Intermediate, I got banned on 6 out of 16 accounts - players report, bots don't care.

damare1 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the info. I've played a few games of intermediate, but I'm going back to intro.

bjohni commented 3 months ago

is it possible the bot to be fixed?

iholston commented 3 months ago

The patch is finally here in the US and I'll have a hotfix out tomorrow.

bjohni commented 3 months ago

The patch is finally here in the US and I'll have a hotfix out tomorrow.


bjohni commented 3 months ago

21 its still not working

iholston commented 3 months ago

Thats because you are still using the old version. The new version is v2.3.0 and is out now

bjohni commented 3 months ago

123 1234 idk whats going on:/

iholston commented 3 months ago

Yea just change the 'game mode' on the config tab a single time and it should fix that. That is from the previous saved version of the bot.

bjohni commented 3 months ago

thanks,its working now.

temmo19 commented 3 months ago

hello,i need help please guys,how do i fix this error, [21:01:10] [INFO ] Overwriting game configs [21:01:10] [ERROR ] [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:/Riot Games/League of Legends\Config/game.cfg' [21:01:10] [ERROR ] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\x\Desktop\lol-bot-2.3.0\lolbot\bot\client.py", line 69, in account_loop self.leveling_loop() File "C:\Users\x\Desktop\lol-bot-2.3.0\lolbot\bot\client.py", line 103, in leveling_loop self.set_game_config() File "C:\Users\x\Desktop\lol-bot-2.3.0\lolbot\bot\client.py", line 389, in set_game_config shutil.copy(utils.resource_path(Constants.GAME_CFG), path) File "C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\shutil.py", line 419, in copy copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) File "C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\shutil.py", line 258, in copyfile with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:/Riot Games/League of Legends\Config/game.cfg'

[21:01:10] [ERROR ] Unknown Error. Exiting

iholston commented 3 months ago

@temmo19 this issue is not related to the current thread. There are two other threads with this same issue. You may just have to delete the file.

temmo19 commented 3 months ago

@temmo19 this issue is not related to the current thread. There are two other threads with this same issue. You may just have to delete the file.

im not gonna lie i did delete it more than 3 times at least,uninstalled it and installed again,its first time im having a problem with the program,ive been using it since long time now i have no idea how to fix it

iholston commented 3 months ago

Make sure the read only flag is not checked under properties. But other than that im not really sure how to fix this particular issue.