ihorvitruk / buddysearch

Android Clean Architecture example using MVP, Rx: RxJava, RxAndroid, Dagger 2, Data Binding, Retrolambda, Firebase Database, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging (FCM), Realm
Apache License 2.0
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Any better way to arrange presenter layer? #8

Open IHNEL opened 7 years ago

IHNEL commented 7 years ago

You place all classes with same type into same group. ie presenter classes are under /presenter package, activities are under /activity package, ... 1 question: How will you manipulate them in real project where you may have many activities, fragments, views, presenters,...?

artworkad commented 7 years ago

@IHNEL buddysearch is packaged by layer. You could also package by feature, which could lead to better project structure for bigger projects. Check out https://speakerdeck.com/markomilos/clean-architecture-on-android?slide=154