ihqs / ContactBundle

This is a Contact Bundle built on the Observer Pattern. Plug any listener you want to your contact form in a really simple way and flexible way
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Error after adding doctrine_mongodb #4

Open nurikabe opened 12 years ago

nurikabe commented 12 years ago

I recently started using the ContactBundle. Worked fine until I added a config for doctrine_mongodb: alongside doctrine:

Notice: Undefined index: IHQS\ContactBundle\Document\Contact in vendor\doctrine-mongodb-odm\lib\Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Driver\AbstractFileDriver.php line 116 

We are using both MySQL as well as Mongo.

Seems like the bundle is trying to use Mongo even though I am not using a database connector.

          type:               ihqs_contact_contact
          handler:            ihqs_contact.contact.form.handler.default
          name:               ihqs_contact_contact_form
          validation_groups:  [Contact]
         recipients: me@test.com

Apologies for the newbie-ish question.

AlepH-FR commented 12 years ago

mongodb not supported on this outdated bundle yet.

weyandch commented 12 years ago

Is there any fix but deleting the documents folder locally?

*Edit Not deleting, worked again for me when i switched off auto_mapping for mongodb in config.yml.. still need to investigate why errors are thrown when mapping is active.