ihrapsa / KlipperWrt

A guide to install Klipper with fluidd, Mainsail or Duet-Web-Control and webcam stream in OpenWrt. Mainly created around the Creality Wi-Fi box but any OpenWrt running device with similar specs will work just fine.
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klipperwrt.local not known #22

Closed fenyvesi closed 3 years ago

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Nice project, thanks. After setting up the WIFI Client by the instructions of V2.1 Release Notes I can connect with the IP given by DHCP (

The http://klipperwrt.local:81 seems not to work, klipperwrt.local is not known by the network. How to set it up ?

Thanks. George

ihrapsa commented 3 years ago


  1. Have you tried a different browser?
  2. What OS are you on?
  3. What method did you use to setup KlipperWrt?
ihrapsa commented 3 years ago

Wait, dumb me. I forgot to edit the Release notes instructions. The ones from README were updated. You will be able to access KlipperWrt.local only after you install the second script. That's because there's no avahi daemon preinstalled. The second script will install it for you

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

You were extra fast.

The answers: Have you tried a different browser? I tried ping, not only browser. What OS are you on? WIN10 What method did you use to setup KlipperWrt? Nothing outside your description in v2.1

New development is that after rebooting the box I can't connect the luci interface with the DHCP IP address that has worked the 1st time.

ihrapsa commented 3 years ago

You were extra fast.

The answers: Have you tried a different browser? I tried ping, not only browser. What OS are you on? WIN10 What method did you use to setup KlipperWrt? Nothing outside your description in v2.1

New development is that after rebooting the box I can't connect the luci interface with the DHCP IP address that has worked the 1st time.

I would recommend following the Installing Script method under Automatic steps. To start fresh, just hold the reset button for 6-10 sec and OpenWrt will reset to the moment you flashed it. Then follow the steps to setup wifi and execute scripts no. 1 and then 2

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

The answers crossed each other. I try by your advices and going back.

I would recommend following the Installing Script method under Automatic steps. To start fresh, just hold the reset button for 6-10 sec and OpenWrt will reset to the moment you flashed it. Then follow the steps to setup wifi and execute scripts no. 1 and then 2

ihrapsa commented 3 years ago


I think the hostname.local issue has been resolved so I can close this ticket.

If you need extra guidance you could also join the discord server :)

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately the problem does exist yet.

The steps I made in installation. I used eth0 directly connected to a notebook with static IP..

  1. The V2.1 FluidWRT-Factory..... file copied to SD card, restart.
  2. sysupgrade with v2.1 FluidWrt_SYSUPGRADE.... file. reboot.
  3. Setting wireless.
  4. Trying with the DHCP given IP through WIFI. It works only once, klipperwrt.local doesn't exist. After rebooting the DHCP IP ( flashes the screen with text "LUA-Lua Configuration Interface", the adress changes to .../cgi-bin/luci and the connection fails.
  5. Downloading and running install.sh. It works. Reboot.
  6. The luci interface doesn't work through WIFI connection (see above), no klipperwrt.local.
  7. It works through eth0 with only.

I attach the syslog file.



ihrapsa commented 3 years ago
  1. klipperwrt.local should only work after you execute the scripts (the scripts will install the avahi-daemon)

Looking at your syslog it appears you are on the same subnet as the box ( might be conflicting with the box. So I would recommend changing the box's ip to or (That would be under Network -> Interfaces -> change the static ip)

ALSO, Try using the Installing script method with the two scripts instead. The Extroot method seems to be a bit buggy on my tests.

Hop on the discord server for extra support

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

I installed by the 2-scripts method. The result is the same. The root of the problem is not the avahi but the not-working wifi client and the result is the missiing klipperwrt.local.

After starting the box I can ping the wlan DHCP given IP: If I try to connect it ( it connects, flashes the screen with text "LUA-Lua Configuration Interface", the address changes to .../cgi-bin/luci and the connection fails.

I tried with 2 different APs, the result is the same. In Chrome the result is: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

In the meantime the syslog has some strange messages: ... daemon.notice wpa_supplicant[1420]: wlan0: Unknown event 37 .... daemon.info dnsmasq[1259]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM

... daemon.notice wpa_supplicant[1420]: wlan0: Unknown event 37
... daemon.notice wpa_supplicant[1420]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-BEACON-LOSS


ihrapsa commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure I completely get it. How did you install by the 2 scripts method if you didn't even manage to get wifi client setup? 🤔

Please join the discord server since it's a lot easier for me to help there

fenyvesi commented 3 years ago

Through Ehernet cable with

ihrapsa commented 3 years ago

As long as you make the box connect to your wifi network as a client and you make sure its lan static IP subnet is different tham the one of your router, you should be able to connect without issues. I'm not sure what's your exact setup or what you might have missed during setup. As I said before, chatting on discord server would make things easier for us to troubleshoot.