ihrigb / node-red-contrib-doorbird-ultimate

Node Red Integration for Doorbird Devices
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

doorbird open #4

Closed dianaw1977 closed 2 years ago

dianaw1977 commented 2 years ago

When I connect a button to the doorbird open and press the button, I get the following error:

12/13/2021, 12:01:20 PMnode: doorbirdopen msg : string[39] "Doorbird Station returned invalid JSON."

ihrigb commented 2 years ago

@dianaw1977 the node is currently in development. I will take care of it and let you know, once this works.

ihrigb commented 2 years ago

@dianaw1977 is there a chance that you provide log output? The code has two console log statemants for the response and the body. Maybe you can provide it?

dianaw1977 commented 2 years ago

Hi ihrign, when i check this log: journalctl -f -u nodered -o cat

I only see these lines:

13 Dec 14:03:40 - [info] Started flows 13 Dec 14:03:40 - [info] [mqtt-broker:homey] Connected to broker: mqtt://xxx.xx.xx.xx:1883 13 Dec 14:04:05 - [error] [doorbird-open:doorbirdopen] Doorbird Station returned invalid JSON

Is there another location where i can find additional logging.



ihrigb commented 2 years ago

Hi, no I believe not. As opening the door is actually working for me lets do it the following way: I will improve logging and put out a new version and then we will see, what is actually going wrong.

ihrigb commented 2 years ago

@dianaw1977 new version is out (0.0.4)

dianaw1977 commented 2 years ago

@dianaw1977 new version is out (0.0.4)

@ihrigb I updated to the new version and attached is the log output.


ihrigb commented 2 years ago

I added another change, that should do it. Can you please try and let me know, how the behavior changes?

dianaw1977 commented 2 years ago

@ihrigb Yes that works. the gate opens. We like the easy to use items in your application and will try out more features once they are available. Thanks

ihrigb commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks. If you'd like to do me a favor, you could tell me, if the returned payload now contains a string, or a json object (just by a debugging node).

dianaw1977 commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes i got this response in the debugnode.

12/14/2021, 8:02:22 AM node: debugdoorbirdopen msg.payload : Object object BHA: object RETURNCODE: "1"

ihrigb commented 2 years ago

Perfect! Thanks for the information.