ihvn2020 / Central-Database-Project

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Create a new Component called the Validator Service #26

Open brightoibe opened 4 years ago

brightoibe commented 4 years ago

BACKGROUND Dirty data is a nightmare for every analyst. Dirty data can create inconsistencies in the output of the Cohort Builder. In order to avoid this, A Java program called the "Validator" was created. The goal of the validator is to identify and flag Patients, Encounters, Obs that are not qualified to be included in the count results of the Cohort Builder. A flag is recorded against the record e.g ignore_patient=1 attribute so that the Cohort Builder and the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) does not include that patient in the analysis.


lordmaul commented 4 years ago

Can we have a list of the requirements for flagging a record (patient record, encounter, obs etc) as dirty?